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继续做某事”的英文短语有:continue to do sth.; keep on doing sth.; keep doing sth.; go on with sth.; go on doing sth.; push on with sth.等。

ue to do sth. 继续做某事

例句:Business has been thriving in the past year. Long may it continue to do so.

在过去的一年里生意蒸蒸日上。但愿这种情况能持续下去。 on doing sth. 继续保持做某事 例句:He kept on working after dark. 天黑后他继续工作。

例句:Keep on doing so well, and you will be happy. 继续这样下去,你会幸福的。 doing sth. 继续不断做某事

例句:If they hurt you before, why let them keep doing it year after year in your mind?


at sth 坚持做某事

例句:Come on, keep at it, you've nearly finished!

快,要坚持,你马上就要完成了! at sth. 继续做某事

例句:If you want to play an instrument well, you've got to stick at it.


on with sth. 加紧于工作、学习等;继续进行;坚决进行下去 例句:At the same time Mr Abhisit hopes to push on with a reconciliation plan.

同时,阿披实希望继续推行和解计划。 on to do sth. 接着做另一件事

例句:After reading English, I went on to do maths exercises.


8. go on with sth. 间断后继续做原来没有做完的事

例句:After having a break, we went on with our lessons. 休息之后,我们继续上课。

on doing sth. 继续做,一直在做的事(中间无间断) 例句:He told Dr Bethune not to go on operating any more.

