
时间:2022-08-22 21:25:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Description of a cartoon or picture


Teaching aims: Improve the Sss ability to analyze a cartoon or picture and organize the structure properly

Teaching importance&diffficulty: Help Ss find the theme conveyed to us in the cartoon and adopt advanced phrases and complex sentence patterns

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Revision

Translate some sentences based on the former cartoon

1 Some food procedures illegally_________ _______ their products components that are_________ ______ _______ ________ in order to make their products _______ _______ or _______ _______.

2 ______ _____ _____ ______, such food ________ _______ peoples health, eventually_______ _______ trust crisis of society and even social unrest.

3 _____ ______ ______ _______, other businesses will ________ _______ _______, _______ ______ nothing but immediate profits, which______ ______ destroys the market system.

4 To prevent more of _______ _______, companies themselves should ______ ______ social moralities so as to build_____ _____________ ________.

5 As for consumers, we should always be consciously________ _______ against _________ ________.

6 _________ _________, government should _______ the supervising process of food production, and _______ ________ food safety laws are strictly __________ ________.

Step 2 : Lead in

Questions: 1.Which steps should we pay attention to in writing a composition of a cartoon or picture?

2. What are the essential factors contributing to a high quality


3. What is the assessment of a composition?

Step 3: Read the pictures and find the themes

Ss should watch the cartoons carefully and analyze the themes properly

Step 4: Organize the structure and express ideas in advanced sentence patterns 1 It作形式主语或形式宾语句型 To keep in touch with your family by using the Internet is convenient

Eg: ________ convenient to keep in touch with your family by using the Internet. 2主动句与被动句的互换。

The government should take immediate measures to deal with the present financial crisis.

Eg: Immediate measures ____________to deal with the present financial crisis. 3 将陈述句改为倒装句。 We can achieve our goal when we work hard.

Eg: ___________________________we achieve our goal. 4 将几个简单句合并为复合句。

The magic of silver screen is fascinating. It cannot be replaced by other ways of watching films.

Eg: The magic of silver screen is ______ fascinating _____it cannot be replaced by other ways of watching films.


The girl realizes her mom must be very tired after a day’s work. The girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder.

Eg: _________her mom must be very tired after a days work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder.

6 With 引导的短语或者复合结构

The Spring Festival is drawing near. And people will hold varieties of activities. Eg: ________ the Spring Festival drawing near, people will hold varieties of activities.

Step 5 Conclusion&suggestion

Teacher draws a conclusion and make some suggestions on an excellent composition

Step 6 Practice

Ss are required to write the first part of the cartoon

请你根据下面这幅漫画用英语写一篇短文。短文内容应该包括以下三个方面: 1. 描述这幅漫画的内容。

2. 是否同意他们的教育方式,并陈述理由。 3. 对家庭教育提出建议。

注意:1. 词数:150左右。

2. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。 参考词汇: 溺爱 spoil v.

As can be seen in the cartoon, the young couple educate their child in different ways.






Step 7 Homework

Ss should finish writing the composition after class based on the guidelines
