% RAINFLOW cycle counting. % RAINFLOW counting function allows you to extract % cycle from random loading. % % SYNTAX % rf = RAINFLOW(ext) % rf = RAINFLOW(ext, dt) % rf = RAINFLOW(ext, extt) % % OUTPUT % rf - rainflow cycles: matrix 3xn or 5xn dependend on input, % rf(1,:) Cycles amplitude, % rf(2,:) Cycles mean value, % rf(3,:) Number of cycles (0.5 or 1.0), % rf(4,:) Begining time (when input includes dt or extt data), % rf(5,:) Cycle period (when input includes dt or extt data), % % INPUT % ext - signal points, vector nx1, ONLY TURNING POINTS!, % dt - sampling time, positive number, when the turning points % spaced equally, % extt - signal time, vector nx1, exact time of occurrence of turning points. % % % See also SIG2EXT, RFHIST, RFMATRIX, RFPDF3D. % RAINFLOW % Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by Adam Nieslony, % MEX function. function rfdemo1(ext) % function rfdemo1(ext) % % RFDEMO1 shows cycles extracted from signal % using rainflow algoritm. % % INPUT: ext - option, number or vectors with turning % points or time history. Default ext=16. % % OUTPUT: no enable. % % SYNTAX: % >>rfdemo1 % >>rfdemo1(10) % >>rfdemo1([2 3 2 4 2 5 1 6]) % % By Adam Nies硂ny % Revised, 10-Nov-2009 % Visit the MATLAB Central File Exchange for latest version. error(nargchk(0,2,nargin)) if nargin==0, % turning points from 16 random numbers ext=sig2ext(randn(4)); elseif length(ext(:))==1, % turning points from n random numbers ext=sig2ext(randn(1,ext)); else % turning points from vector ext ext=sig2ext(ext); end a=rainflow(ext,1); [m n]=size(a); % if n>100, % button = questdlg(['Rainflow found ' num2str(sum(a(3,:))) ' cycles! Do you want to continue?'],... % 'Continue Operation','Yes','No','No'); % if strcmp(button,'No') % error('Function aborted by user.') % end % end col='ymcrgb'; plot(0:length(ext)-1,ext,'k.:') hold on wyk=0:0.05:1; for c=1:n, colnr=rem(c-1,6)+1; nr1=round(a(4,c)+1); nr2=round(a(4,c)+1+a(5,c)*a(3,c)); if a(3,c)==1.0, if ext(nr1)
plot(wyk.*a(5,c)+a(4,c),cos(pi+wyk.*2*pi)*a(1,c)+a(2,c),col(colnr)) text(a(4,c),a(2,c)-a(1,c),[int2str(c) '. Cycle, up'],... 'Color',col(colnr),'VerticalAlignment','top') else
plot(wyk.*a(5,c)+a(4,c),cos( wyk.*2*pi)*a(1,c)+a(2,c),col(colnr)) text(a(4,c),a(2,c)+a(1,c),[int2str(c) '. Cycle, down'],... 'Color',col(colnr),'VerticalAlignment','bottom') end else
if ext(nr1)>ext(nr2),
plot(wyk.*a(5,c)*0.5+a(4,c),cos( wyk.*pi)*a(1,c)+a(2,c),col(colnr)) text(a(4,c),a(2,c)+a(1,c),[int2str(c) '. Half-cycle, down'],... 'Color',col(colnr),'VerticalAlignment','bottom') else
plot(wyk.*a(5,c)*0.5+a(4,c),cos(pi+wyk.*pi)*a(1,c)+a(2,c),col(colnr)) text(a(4,c),a(2,c)-a(1,c),[int2str(c) '. Half-cycle, up'],... 'Color',col(colnr),'VerticalAlignment','top') end end end
xlabel('peaks, counted from 0') ylabel('value')
title('Rainflow cycles extracted from signal') legend('peaks from signal',0) hold off
disp('Row 1: amplitude') disp('Row 2: mean')
disp('Row 3: number of cycles (cycle or half cycle)') disp('Row 4: begin time of extracted cycle or half cycle') disp('Row 5: period of a cycle') disp(a)