难忘的劳动节英语作文 Today is "51" Labor Day, I want a meaningful thing. Because usually when I saw my mother always work back pain, so I want to pass this Labor Day, the mother share some things, alleviate some of the burden. So I thought of a good idea: do a clean-up at home. First of all, I began to scrub the windows and doors. I carefully, conscientiously the house from start to finish, top to bottom with a rag to wipe it again, the rag caked with dust. Oh, my tired, I was sweating profusely, out of breath. But I thought: "clean-up have been very hard, but if I can not hold at all, it is not just doing it too vain things to stay the course?." Although I did not wash wash clean than the mother, but I also very happy today because I helped my mother did a hard thing. When I finished all of the living, I looked again at home, and clean-up before the big difference is simply ah! After this clean-up, I not only know: "If paid, will be fruitful." I also understand the "persevering" This sentence means. 今天是“五一”劳动节,我想做一件有意义的事。因为平常我看见妈妈劳动时总是腰酸背痛的,所以我想通过这次劳动节,为妈妈分担一些事,减轻一些负担。于是,我想到了一个好主意:在家做一次大扫除。 首先,我开始擦洗门窗。我仔仔细细、认认真真地把家里从头到尾、从上到下地用抹布擦了一遍,抹布上粘满了灰尘。这下可把我累坏了,我满头大汗,上气不接下气。但我一想:“大扫除本来就很卖力,但如果我一下都坚持不住,那不是刚刚做的也白费了吗?做事要有始有终。”虽然我洗了没有比妈妈洗的干净,但是我也很满意,因为我今天帮妈妈做了一件辛勤的事情。 等我干完了全部的活,再看了看家里,和大扫除之前简直就是天壤之别啊! 这次大扫除之后,我不仅知道了:“只要付出了,就会有收获。”我还懂得了“坚持就是胜利”这句话的意思。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/27d68f21346baf1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45ff65.html