幼儿英语童话故事:万圣节的英文小故事 One story about Jack,an Irishman,who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. 关于万圣节有这样一个故事。是说有一个叫杰克的爱尔兰人,由于他对钱特殊的吝啬,就不允许他进入天堂,而被打入地狱。 So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern. 但是在那里他老是戏弄魔鬼撒旦,所以被踢出地狱,罚他提着灯笼永久在人世里行走。 Well,Irish children made Jack”s lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. 在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和萝卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、外表上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。 And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. ]为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。 The Irish name for these lanterns was “Jack with the lantern“ or “Jack of the lantern,“ abbreviated as “ Jack-o”-lantern“ and now spelled “jack-o-lantern.“The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children”s fun night. 这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o”-lantern 。现在你在大多数书里读到的万圣节只是孩子们快乐的夜晚。 Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school. 在小学校里,万圣节是每年十月份开头庆祝的。 学习笔记: 万圣节 Halloween 英音:[hli:n] 美音: [hloin] 1、你想参与万圣节的聚会吗? Do you want to come to a Halloween party? 2、万圣节那天你要带什么面具啊 ? What mask do you want to wear on Halloween? 3、他喜爱在万圣节装扮成鬼怪。 He enjoys dressing up as a ghost at Halloween. 4、请帮我找一些关于万圣节的资料。 Please help me look for material about Halloween. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/27edf1e2adf8941ea76e58fafab069dc51224757.html