
时间:2024-02-05 09:00:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


school uniform [sku:l ˈju:nifɔ:m] [skul ˈjunəˌfɔrm] 大学校服 university uniform 穿上校服 put on school uniform 穿着校服 wearing school uniforms 两名穿校服的男孩

Two boys wearing school uniform 你哥哥现在是不是在穿校服?

Is your brother putting on his school uniform now? 他们是指定的校服供应商。

They are the official school outfitters. 学生们星期一到星期五都必须穿校服。

The students must wear their school uniforms from Monday to Friday.


Do you wear a uniform at school? 美国学生穿校服吗?

Do the students in the States wear school uniforms? 花费了多少金钱在购买校服方面?

How much did you spend on buying school uniform? 这些学生穿着新校服很帅气。

The students look smart in their new school uniforms. 我在我的每件校服上都缝上一块写有我名字的布片。

I sewed tabs with my name on in all my school clothes. 他认为穿校服使孩子们失去个性。

He thinks that wearing school uniform depersonalizes children.


My younger brother went to school in school uniform this morning.


The students are wearing school uniforms. 给孩子们买校服也很便宜的。

It is also good for picking up bits of school uniform for my children cheaply.


Most schools ask students to wear school uniforms. 当他出现的时候真让我们惊奇&还穿着校服!“报纸援引她的话说道。

It was a total surprise when he showed up& in school uniform!“ she was quoted as saying.


He's already grown out of his school uniform. 学生参加校际音乐会时必须穿校服。

Students must wear school uniforms in the inter-school concert.


All my clothes were new: the black shoes, the green school uniform, and the red cap.

我买的是普通版,区别就是没有穿校服,但价格要便宜很多。 I bought a normal edition which doesn't wear a school uniform, but the price is much cheaper.
