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Season six (一)

1. I don’t remember much about last night, it was such a blur.

It was such a blur. "真是一片模糊." 这个blur是不是用得很形象.

2. -This could be our chance to like….. renew our friendship. -Are you asking me to have a frenaissance? Frenaissance 这是Phoebe 造出来的一个单词,是friend renaissance 的合成词,朋友加文艺复兴,岂不是友谊复兴,难怪Joey听不懂了,这有没有让你想起容祖儿的那首《爱情复兴》呢?

3. Tell her she’s not marriage material.就跟她说她不是结婚的那块料。

4. I can’t have a mimosa with breakfast?!

mimosa 含羞草,这里指一种鸡尾酒 这种以香槟为基酒的鸡尾酒,被喻为世上最美味、最豪华的柳橙汁。上流社会的人们原本称它为兰休香槟,但因为它的色泽和鲜黄色的含羞草非常相似,所以取名为含羞草。在意大利,它的别名叫BacksFizz

5. Maybe we should leave it up to fate again.

leave it up to.. 让…..决定,很实用的短语,比如 I leave it up to you. 由你决定。

9. My little sister and my best friend……shacking up, shack up 就是同居,尤指未婚男女像夫妻一样住在一起,

10. I mean we-we told Joey, he cried his eyes out!

Cry ones eyes out 这哭得该是多厉害啊,连眼睛都哭出来了,当然是夸张了,不过也是嚎啕大哭了。

11. No point in dragging it out. 没必要拖拖拉拉。看来大家做什么事情最好都不要 drag out.

12. We have words and I kill him.

Phoebe的想象里,她最后居然跟Ross have words吵了一架,最后杀了Ross,小说家果然是小说家。 Scene 1

1.starving adj. 饥饿的;挨饿的 v. 挨饿(starveing形式);使饿死

2.buffet n. 自助餐;小卖部;打击;猛烈冲击 vt. 搏斗;连续猛击vi. 斗争;奋勇前进 adj. 自助的;自助餐的

3. Hitchhiker n. 搭便车的旅行者;顺便插入的广告 4. grant me this favor vt. 授予;允许;承认 vi. 同意 n. 拨款;[] 授予物 5. (She closes the partition.) n. 划分,分开;[] 分割;隔墙;隔离物 vt. [] 分割;分隔;区分 6. the bottom line底线;本质内容 7. annulment n. 取消;废除 8. Okay Chandler, enjoy your handful. n. 少数;一把;棘手事

9. I sick of the signs! 厌恶 10. insane adj. 疯狂的;精神病的;极愚蠢的 11. Jeez, relax! int.

12. make any sense

说不通;没意思 make any sense to理解 it dosen't make any sense这没道理的make any sense to sb.对某人来说有意义,某人不明白某事

Christen vt. 命名;为施洗礼 me neither 我也不 craftsmen. n. 工匠;手艺人(craftsman的复数形式)


1.Buried alive 活埋 adj. 埋葬的;埋藏的v. 埋葬(bury的过去式和过去分词) adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的 2. When it comes to sweets, he surprisingly strict. 凡是甜的东西,他都会非常紧张。adv. 惊人地;出人意外地adj. 严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的[ 比较级stricter 最高级strictest ] 3. Have you figured out a way to tell him youre moving out?你告诉他你要搬走了? 解决;算出;想出;理解;断定 5. lay off 解雇;休


6. l’ll be at the bottom of the dating barrel now. 我现在会在桶底里约会了。Barrel vt. ……

装入桶内 n. 桶;枪管,炮管,滚筒,管筒,桶芯,琵琶筒vi. 快速移动的深处,在的尽头 7 . bravo

be at the bottom of 1. 的根本原因,真正的起因(或根源)的基础 2.

n. 喝彩;亡命徒 vt. 喝彩 int. 好极了 8. creepy adj.令人毛骨悚然的 恐怖的;爬行的 匍匐的

9. I am so attracted to him right now. 我突然觉得他好有魅力 roomie 室友 yummy adj. 好吃的;美味的;愉快的

n. 美味的东西;令人喜爱的东西

not once 一次也不,一次也没有 divide up 瓜分;分割;分配

10. What the hell is that ? 那是什么鬼东西 11. Something to remember me by ! 这样你就会记得我to remember me by 睹物思人 12. The end of an era 一个时代的结束,世界末日

第一季 (一)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

So does he have a hump驼背? A hump and a hairpiece假发? Time Lapse时间推移 mortify窘迫的

Phoebe: Fine! Be murky黑暗的 朦胧的!

Ross: No I don't, to hell with her去她的, she left me!

Ross: I told mom and dad last night, they seemed to take it pretty well. 他们接受的挺好。 hysterical歇斯底里的,异常兴奋的 It's a metaphor暗喻比喻隐喻, Daddy!

Monica: Joey, stop hitting on勾引 her! It's her wedding day!


1. Phoebe: Okay, okay. If I were omnipotent万能的 for a day 2.

Ross: It's okay, y'know, you just nodded off打盹 again.

