饱经风霜 饱经风霜曹靖华《三五年是多久》:他那恬淡的面孔上;满刻着饱经风霜的皱纹。 清·孔尚任《桃花扇》第二十一出:鸡皮瘦损,看饱经雪霜,丝鬓如银。 苏教版第九册小学语文课本《黄山奇松》:迎客松姿态优美,枝干遒劲,虽然饱经风霜,确仍然郁郁苍苍,充满生机。 和苏教版第十册小学语文课本《二泉映月》:小阿炳望着师傅饱经风霜的脸,懂事地点了点头。 S版语文六年级下册教材《我的伯父鲁迅先生》:他听见脚步声,抬起头来,饱经风霜的脸上现出难以忍受的痛苦。 词语辨析近义词:饱经世故、曾经沧海、坚苦卓绝、历尽艰辛、历尽沧桑、千辛万苦反义词:不谙世事、初出茅庐、养尊处优、一帆风顺用法:动宾式;作谓语、定语;形容经验丰富。 示例:人们那被晒黑的~的脸上,显出严肃而紧张的神情。 ◎冯德英《苦菜花》第一章。 近义词:饱经世故、曾经沧海 历经风霜反义词:一帆风顺、养尊处优谜语:老树顽藤同韵词:迅电流光、耀目晶光、十载寒窗、千仓万箱、怀宝迷邦、石敢当、桂子飘香、无服之殇、车载船装、欺人以方正音经不能读作jīn,读jīng。 辨形比起你年轻时的美貌,我更爱你饱经风霜的容颜。 饱经风霜Young beauty than you, I love you more weather-beaten face.谢谢你!事实上我们是同类。 虽然我们两人都饱经风霜,我已经清醒,但你还活在幻觉中。 Thank you! Actually we're alike. Both of us are weather-beaten. I've been woken up from the illusion but you're still in it.你看到一个中年男子,他有一张饱经风霜的脸和一双粗糙的手。 You see a middle aged man with weather-beaten face and rough hands.看,岩石在无声地老化,它的表面就像一位饱经风霜的老者。 Look, the rock is aging in silence so that its surface looks likes a weather-beaten elder.我家的果园里,有亭亭玉立的梨树,也有婀娜多姿的杏树,还有饱经风霜的枣树。 My family's orchard, there is slim pear, but also graceful of apricot, as well as weather-beaten jujube tree.埃迪瓦尔多是一位饱经风霜的水果贩子,有时也偷猎动物。 他以几美元的价格向一位外国游客兜售各种受保护的鹦鹉和雨林鸟雀。 Edivaldo, a weather-beaten fruit salesman and part-time animal poacher, recently offered a foreign visitor an assortment ofprotected parrots and small jungle finches for the equivalent of a few dollars.他骑着一匹鬃毛很长的马,身上穿着一件高领大衣,他的面孔看上去饱经风霜,没有什么表情。 He arrived, riding a shaggy horse, wearing a high-collared woollen coat against the cold, his face weather-beaten andimpassive.值得一提的是这两棵500余年的古银杏,人称活化石,虽饱经风霜,却依然枝繁叶茂。 It is worth mentioning is that the two trees of 500 years of the ancient ginkgo, known as living fossils, though weather-beaten, but still flourish. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2ada5ac2e418964bcf84b9d528ea81c758f52e96.html