本文整理于网络,仅供阅读参考 帮助你的英文 帮助你的英文 help you 帮助:help; aid; assist; assistance 关于help you的英文短语 帮助你的邻舍 help your neighbors ; help your nei ors 让我帮助你 let me help you ; let help you me 希望能够帮助你 hopes can help you ; hope you can help 我能帮助你 can i help you ; what can i help you 我尽力帮助你 i try to help you 中药不能帮助你 medicine can't help you 许多我帮助你 many i help you 我将帮助你 i will help you 帮助你学习歌曲 capo help you造句 假如你向他请求,他会帮助你。 if you ask him, he will help you. 他不会动一根指头来帮助你的。 he would not stir a finger to help you. 让我帮助你把这个瓶子塞好。 let me help you to cork up this bottle. 你有困难时谁都会帮助你。 anyone will help you when you meet with difficulties. 本文整理于网络,仅供阅读参考 你不能指望着他们帮助你。 you can't rely upon them to help you. 这可以帮助你获得信任。 this should help you gain trust. 让我来帮助你把它弄下来。 let me help you get it down. 但其他的天使会来帮助你。 but the angels ... they do help you. 他们会帮助你整理物品,你也可以把你的不要的衣物给他们。 they can help you organize, and you have someone to whom to give your castoffs. 但它会在你的人生旅途中帮助你找到激情。 but it will help you in your journey to find it 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2b07efc9974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f71f294a.html