
时间:2023-03-19 22:05:34 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


My growth has joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, success and failure, happiness and trouble, growth is again and again. Skin shedding is pain, bleeding, risk, failure, but also the vision and expectation of the future, become mature and beautiful. Growth is an endless ladder. Step by step to climb, looking back to the road, knowing a smile, turned his head, facing the front, silent and efforts to continue to climb. From primary school, junior high school, high school, to the university, around you have met all kinds of people, but also experienced a lot of growth. Our life, is a journey full of adventure and test, this journey will have surprises, there will be joy, of course, but also mixed with bitterness, mixed with confusion. Unable to predict what will happen next, we are all full of expectations. Only know how to hone themselves in the test, in order to reflect the value of life, will gradually grow.
