我敬佩的一个人英语作文300字带翻译 我最敬佩的一个人是一位环卫工人。他高瘦的身材,圆圆的眼睛,黑黑的脸庞,衣衫褴褛,别看它的外表很脏,但心灵很美。 One of the people I admire most is an environmental sanitation worker. He is tall and thin, with round eyes, black face and ragged clothes. Although his appearance is dirty, his heart is beautiful. 我每天看见他起着一辆三轮,上面载着一个消毒器,和一堆破烂。他背起消毒器,走到公共厕所,一进门就看见许多苍蝇与蛆。只见他这里喷喷那里洒洒,一会就把厕所打扫的干干净净。因为虫子经不住毒药的折磨,所以全部”牺牲”了。 Every day I saw him driving a tricycle with a sterilizer and a pile of rags. He picked up the sterilizer and went to the public toilet. As soon as he entered, he saw many flies and maggots. I saw him spray here and there, and then clean the toilet. Because insects can't stand the torture of poison, they all “sacrifice”. 他在岗位上也有发明创造。因为他知道与竹枝扫地容易将杂物遗漏,所以他用纤维绳绑在竹枝上扫得既干净,又没有噪音。 He also has inventions and creations in his post. Because he knew that it was easy to leave out the sundries with the bamboo sweeping, so he tied the bamboo with the fiber rope to sweep it clean without noise. 他不光打扫卫生,还从垃圾箱里拾破烂进行废物利用。有一次他还为山区捐了2000多元钱呢!由于他表现突出,被市政府评为劳动模范。奖励了一台海尔冰箱,可他又捐给了幼儿园。 Not only does he clean, but he also picks up rubbish from the dustbin for recycling. Once he donated more than 2000 yuan to the mountain area. Because of his outstanding performance, he was rated as a model worker by the municipal government. A Haier refrigerator was awarded, but he donated it to the kindergarten. 我非常敬佩他,因为他那无私奉献,不计报酬,不怕苦,不怕累的精神,激励我热爱劳动,艰苦朴素,保护环境。 I admire him very much, because his selfless dedication, regardless of payment, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tiredness inspires me to love work, work hard and plain, and protect the environment. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2c4d9152a4c30c22590102020740be1e650eccf2.html