
时间:2023-01-27 03:03:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


读法如音标所示:英 [sneɪl] [snel] 单语例句

1. The most controversial song is Jay Chow's " Snail " whose lyrics encourage young people to pursue their own success regardless of the difficulties they may encounter.

2. I'm like a silkworm sticking to its cocoon or a snail shrinking back into its shell.

3. The meal started with yam in lemon juice and marine snail slices with pickled cucumber and crab roe.

4. The snail can consume fruit or vegetables in large amount and is harmful to the local agricultural industry.

5. His snail is now about the size of an adult's fist and usually extends its head from its shell at night.

6. It was later discovered that Wan was suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding, caused by snail fever.

7. Unpaved roads are covered with gravel, and traffic only moves at a snail's pace.

8. When cars are reduced to a snail's pace in a traffic jam, they honk.

9. Neither of these details were exchanged back in the days of snail mail and when telephones weren't this portable.


读法如音标所示:英 [frɒg] [frɔ:g]

1. Wash the frog legs and place them in a wide cooking pan.


2. Delight your baby boy or girl with embroidered leap frog crib bedding.

很高兴您的宝宝男童或女童与绣腾飞的婴儿床寝具。 3. Ha ha... the new frog was completed, look....


4. We're here, so you can compare your resourcefulness to that of a water- holding frog.

我们在这里是为了让你比较你自己和这里一种保水蛙的智谋。 5. One day, while walking through the woods, and they came across a golden frog.

有一天,他们在树林里溜达的时候碰到了一只金蛙。 6. I see you've captured a poison dart frog. 我看见你捉到一只毒箭蛙。

7. Major raw materials: Chinese wood frog s oviduct, corn salad oil, palm oil


8. This is Doyle. I'm sittin'on Frog One. 我是道尔,我正坐在青蛙一号上。


读法如音标所示:英 [ˈpærət] [ˈperət] 1. It's a burin of a parrot beak. 这是一个鹦鹉喙的雕刻刀石器
