im前缀的英文单词 imbalance 失调,不平衡; imbecile n. 心智能力极低的人; imbecility n. 低能,愚蠢; imbibe v. 饮,吸入; imbroglio n. 纠纷,纠葛; imbrue vt. 涂,弄脏,染 immeasurable a. 不可测量的; immediacy n. 立即,刻不容缓 扩展资料 As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle. 作为牧师的儿子,他从尚在襁褓时起就接受了一套神秘主义信仰。 He had imbibed the traditions of his family. 他受到了自己家庭传统的`影响。 Youngsters imbibe wisdom from their elders. 年轻人从长辈那里吸取智慧。 Unconsciously he had imbibed all the principles of egoism. 不知不觉之间他血里已经种下了自私自利的疫苗。 本文来源: