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关系词(引导词):关系代词:that which who whom 关系副词:when where ㈡定语从句与宾语从句的不同: ⑴功能不同:定语从句在句子中相当于形容词的用法,修饰名词或代词这些先行词。

宾语从句相当于名词的用法,做动词的宾语。 ⑵位置不同:定语从句放在名词或代词的后面。 宾语从句放在动词的后面。

⑶句子的完整性不同:定语从句从句部分一般不是一个完成的句子。 宾语从句从句部分是个完整的句子。 She likes singers who sing the words clearly. She wants to know who sing the words clearly. I love music that I can sing along with. I think that I can sing along with the music.

I like places where the weather is always warm. I don't know where he lives. 注意:

①引导词在从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的单复数要和先行词保持一致。 ②先行词为物是引导词用thatwhich均可,但若放在一起选择我们只能选择t

宾语从句练习题 一.单项选择

1 The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.

A. took B. take C. takes D. will take 2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.

A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never been D. had never been

3 The students want to know whether they___ dictation today. A. had B. has C. will have D. are 4 She asked Linda if___ go and get some.

A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may 5 Linda said the moon___ round the earth.

A. traveled B. has travelled C. travells D. had travelled 6. Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty?

A. who B. what C. when D. that 7 I don't know ___ they have passed the exam.

A. what B. if C. when D. where 8 I hardly understand.___ he has told me.

A. that B. what C. which D. who 9. She didn't know___ back soon.



A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be D. if he will come

10. I don't know _____ he still lives here after so many years. A. whether B where C. what D. when 11. Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening? A. what B when C why D how 12. He asked me _____told me the accident.

A whom B which C who D whose 13. They don't know _______their parents are.

A that B what C why D which 14.Please tell me ______what last year.

A. where does your sister work B. where did your sister work C where your sister works D. where your sister worked 15.She asked me if I knew ______

A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it 16. You must remember ________.

A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said 17. Did you know ____?

A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after 18. Could you tell me ___?

A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing 19. Could you tell me________?

A .where do you live B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. where you live in 20. I want to know how long

A. has he been back Bhas he come back C. he has been back Dhe has come back 21. Do you know ? Awhat the news are Bwhat is the news Cwhat the news is Dwhat are the news 22. I don't know ________ up so early last Sunday.

A. why did he get B. why he gets C. why does he get D. why he got 23. He said _________ there was going to be a meeting that evening. A. what B. if C. that D. how 24. When in Rome, do ____ the Romans do.

A. as B. how C. what D. that .句型转换。

1).How does he get on with his new classmates? Could you tell me? (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

Could you tell me how ______ _____ on with his new classmates?

2).What is he doing there? Mother didn't know. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句



Mother didn't know what _______ ______doing there.

3).You'd better ask your mother whether is it cheap enough before you try it on. (改错) 4) What's his name? I asked him.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句) I asked him what _______ _______ _______.

5) Why didn't he look happy? Could you tell me?(改为含有宾语从句的复合句) Could you tell me why _______ ______ look happy?

6) Does he still live in that street? I don't know(改为含有宾语从句的复合句) I don't know ______ he still _______ in that street.

7) Whose children is the old woman looking after? Did you find out? (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

Did you find out whose children the old woman ______ _______ after? 8) The moon moves round the earth. My sister told me.(同上) My sister told me ______ the moon_______ round the earth. 9) I think it is not going to snow tomorrow.(改错)

10). "Do you want to try something new" Tom's mother asked him.(同义句转换)

Tom's mother asked him________ ________ ________to try something new. 11). He said, I will go shopping tomorrow.(改为间接引语)

He said _____ _____ go shopping the next day. 12). What could I do? Do you think? (合并为一句)

______ do you think _______ _______ do? 13). Have they arrived ? I wondered.(合并) I wondered _____ _____ _____ _____ .

14). Why will you go to Japen? He asked Mary. (合并) He asked Mary ____ ______ _____ go to Japan. 15). Whats the matter with you, Mary? Mr Li asked.

Mr Li asked Mary what _____ the matter with _____.

16). Do you ride a bike to school every day or not? Mr Li asked Jimmy. (同义句) Mr Li asked Jimmy _____ he _____ a bike to school every day or not. 17). Youre hard-working. Mr Lin said to me. (合并)

Mr Lin told me ____ ____ hard-working.

18). Mom is waiting for me at home. I thought. (合并) I thought Mom ____ _____ for me at home.

宾语从句 3
