[英语作文]精选的汤姆索亚历险记英语读后感例文 精选的汤姆索亚历险记英语读后感例文 汤姆索亚历险记英语读后感: "Tom Sawyer is Mark Twain's masterpiece, is also a literary treasure a classic works. He wrote the hero Tom Sawyer children of experience. The book with humorous and witty language is clearly wrote Tom Sawyer brave clever, lively and integrity. He is full of crazy ideas. Tom Sawyer when punished to paint the walls, not discouraged, but is very optimistic, don't envy other people can play freely, also can use their intelligence, the others for himself "con" paint the walls, so that, instead of the punishment had a lot of things they didn't let Tom Sawyer. Although Tom Sawyer is very clever, but not the parents in the heart of good boy, he does not like boring school life, which we can't study. But his brave, integrity is the envy of everyone, he is not superstitious priests cheating nonsense! When an event occurs, the justice and some and on a par, at the coming of the crisis, he can be back stood up! I'm also pretty envy Tom Sawyer when children have such a wonderful experience. I think Tom Sawyer grew up as an adult, will certainly become a contribution to society, popular niceness. Watching "Tom Sawyer this book, I'm Tom Sawyer memories that naive and earnest words and deeds, I think Tom Sawyer seems to take me into a fantasy world, there are some things as if is fictional, but I really like these things, I also want to let these things happen to me, give yourself a chance to exercise. 参考翻译: 《汤姆索亚历险记》是马克吐温的'代表作,也是文学宝库中一部经典的著作。他写了主人公汤姆索亚儿童时的种种经历。全书以幽默、诙谐的语言十分鲜明地写出了汤姆索亚的聪明、活泼和正直勇敢。他满脑子都是疯狂的想法。 汤姆索亚在被罚刷墙时,并没有气馁,而是非常乐观,也不羡慕别人能够自由自在地玩耍,还能运用自己的聪明才智,把别人“骗”来替自己刷墙,这样,这个惩罚反而让汤姆索亚获得了许多自己没有的东西。虽然汤姆索亚十分聪明,但却不是家长们心中的好孩子,他不喜欢枯燥的学校生活,这我们可不能学习。但他的正直勇敢,是人人羡慕的,他不迷信牧师骗人的鬼话!在一件大事发生的时候,在正义与些而一较高下的时候,在危机降临的时候,他都能义无反顾的挺身而出! 我也挺羡慕汤姆索亚在儿童时就有如此精彩的经历。我想汤姆索亚长大成年后,肯定会变成一个对社会有贡献,受人欢迎的大好人。 看了《汤姆索亚历险记》这本书,我对汤姆索亚那幼稚而又认真的言行记忆犹新,我觉得汤姆索亚似乎带我进入了一个虚幻的世界,有些事情仿佛就是虚构的,但是我非常喜欢这些事情,我也很想让这些事情发生在自己身上,给自己一次锻炼的机会。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2d521aeaa900b52acfc789eb172ded630b1c989a.html