大学在读证明怎么开I在读证明样本(大学) 在校证明 **,男,诞生于****年*月*日,****年*月进入我校学习,现为我校 **专业*班级的同学。该生在校期间学习成果优异,敬重师长,团结 同学,乐观参与各项集体活动,是一名品学兼优的好同学。因其近期 预备出国留学深造,我校同意其出国方案并供应其成果如下: 成绩科目第一学年其次学年第三学年第四学年 six six xlx xjsxjs xjs six six xlx xjsxjs xjs 75 82 six Xr* 86 79 XTX XTX XTX XTX XTX XTX XT^ XTX XTX 93 xT^ xTs XiS zTs #TS ^TS #TS 88 *Xx %Xz xL^ XTS XTX >TX XTX ZTX XT^ XTX ✓jX XTX ✓f% XTX ZTX XIX #TX xL* sXz xTx XTX XTX XTX XTX XTX XjX XTX XTX 特此证明! 校长: ************ 高校 **** 年**月 **** 曰 School Certificate *****, male, born on Mar. , 19** and has been studying in our university since September 19**. Now he is a sophomore with the major of ******. ***** gains excellent score in examination, respects teachers, united with students, takes actively part in all kinds of activities and is a good student of good character and scholarship. **** decided to further his study in Britain, we agree with his study plan and are willing to provide the record as following: The Fourth Record Subject The First Year The Second Year The Third Year The Fourth Year ********** 75 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2dac0010ab956bec0975f46527d3240c8447a1f6.html