二年级英语日记80字带翻译banana tree香蕉树 banana tree 香蕉树 We see banana trees often at school. Hanging banana fold thick in the treetops, such as a round green crescent and purposes as if to the trunks crushed, so many bananas, like a large family in a meeting. The banana tree leaves like a big fan. Whenever the wind blowing, leaves swaying, as if in fanning themselves cool. I stand under the tree, smelling it sends out the faint fragrance, miss, it is mature can enjoy and must be very sweet. 我们在学校常常能看到香蕉树。香蕉叠叠密密地挂在树梢上,如一轮轮绿色的新月,多得好象要把树干压断,这么多香蕉,犹如一个大家族在开会。香蕉树的叶子像一把很大的扇子。每当风吹来的时候,叶子就摇来摇去,好像在给自己扇凉.我站在树下,闻着它散发出来的淡淡清香,好想等它成熟时能好好品尝下,肯定非常甜。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2f4758fd75a20029bd64783e0912a21614797fa4.html