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.大约用英语怎么写 approximately about .其他翻译 大约.. matter 大约那时 thereabout 大约 approximat 大约说来 roughly 大约…左右 大约的 approximat 大约的成本 probable 大约满期日期 approximat 大约继续进行小时 resuming 大约在 around .双语例句 大约半小时路程。

It's about half an hour's journey. 2我养鸟大约有30年了。

I have kept birds for some 30 years 3我那天晚上只睡了大约半个小时。 I only slept about half an hour that night. 4大约3个月后,我就不再对尼古丁上瘾了。

After about three months, I was no longer addicted to nicotine.


After about 10 minutes the riot police arrived. 6地震持续了大约两分钟。

The earthquake continued for about two minutes. 7它的时速大约达到了380英里,或者更快。

Its speed is probably in the neighbourhood of 380mph or even more.


He indicated a semicircle with a radius of about thirty miles. 9我看见他朝大约一英里以外的商店走去了。

I have seen him walking down to the shops a mile or so away 10她围绕这个主题添枝加叶地说了大约10分钟。

She embroidered on this theme for about ten minutes. 1136辆卡车装了大约100吨的奶粉和绷带。

Thirty-six trucks were loaded with some 100 tons of dried milk and bandages.


About one in every 20 people have clinical depression 13我把大约20年的杂志扎成捆。

I have about 20 year's magazines tied up in bundles. 14我初次来到这里的时候,马特找了个房间让我住了大约一个星期。

Matt got me a room there for a week or so when I first came here


It took me about two hours to pluck up courage to call. 16我想我是4点钟左右到达那里,大约半个小时后离开的。 I think I got there about four and left about half past. 17他确实在大约一个星期前给我买了那些水仙花。 He did buy me those daffodils a week or so ago

