英语听力练习下载:清晰还是困惑 Laurent: So I'm confused. Who's David again? 劳伦: 所以我被弄糊涂了。谁又是大卫? Bethany: David is my roommate's friend's brother. Haven't you been listening? 伯大尼: 大卫是我室友的朋友的哥哥。你一直没有在听吗? Laurent: I have, but how am I supposed to keep all of these people straight? Your stories are always so convoluted, with too many twists and turns. Why don't you try telling a straightforward story for once? 劳伦: 我在听,但我该如何记住所有这些人呢?你的故事总是那么复杂,充满各种曲折。你为什么不试着一次只讲一个简单的故事呢? Bethany: My stories are only confusing for people who don't pay attention or who can't deal with complexity. 伯大尼: 只有那些不专心的或者头脑简单的人才会觉得我的故事令人困惑。 Laurent: Complexity? Is that what you call going off on tangents and including completely irrelevant information? Half the time the end of the story contradicts the beginning! 劳伦: 复杂?你所谓的复杂难道就是漫无边际地扯开话题,聊一些完全不相干的事情?绝大部分时候,故事的开头跟结尾会自相矛盾! Bethany: You just don't appreciate intricate plots. My stories are crystal clear to anyone who pays attention. Good stories have lots of detail. Just ask Shakespeare. 伯大尼: 你根本就不懂得欣赏错综复杂的情节。只要认真听,任何人都会觉得我的故事一清二楚。好故事都有大量的情节描述。看看莎士比亚的作品就明白了。 Laurent: Talk about delusions of grandeur! When you start comparing yourself to Shakespeare, it's time for you to seek professional help! 劳伦: 你太狂妄自大了!当你开始跟莎士比亚作比较时,就该去寻求专业协助了! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/30f6a9b1de3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b071b0e5.html