《小鸟的担忧》 "Birds of fear" 本剧人物: 旁白、鸟妈妈、两只小鸟、树姑娘、开发商。 The narrator: mother, two birds, birds, trees, developers girl. 旁白:音乐声中,鸟妈妈带着两只小鸟从树后飞了出来。跳着欢乐的舞蹈。鸟妈妈生了两只活泼可爱的小鸟,小鸟们第一次从巢穴里飞出来。 Narrator: sound of music, the mother bird with two birds from the tree after the fly out. A dance of joy. Mother bird gave birth to two lively and lovely birds, the birds flew out of the nest for the first time. 小鸟1:妈妈,这个城市真美丽。 Bird 1: Mama, this city is really beautiful. 鸟妈妈:宝贝,你也是这个美丽城市的一员啊。 Mother bird: baby, you're a member of this beautiful city. 小鸟2:妈妈,人类喜欢我们唱歌吗。 Bird 2: Mama, do people like us to sing. 鸟妈妈:宝贝,你的声音是世界上最美妙的旋律。 Mother bird: baby, your voice is the most beautiful melody in the world. 树姑娘:我们手拉手,组成大树林。 Tree girl: we hand in hand, the composition of the forest. 鸟妈妈和小鸟快乐地玩着捉迷藏游戏。树姑娘不断地为它们鼓掌。 The mother bird and bird happily playing hide and seek games. The girl kept clapping their tree. 房屋开发商:这年头,人口增长速度非常快,木材的需求越来越大。我们退林还地,加快房屋的建设。机器们,继续开工吧。 Housing developers: this year, the population growth rate is very fast, the growing demand for wood. We are returning farmland to forest, to speed up housing construction. Machines, continue to work. (一阵刺耳的音乐响起) (raucous Music) 鸟妈妈和小鸟被这突然的声音吓坏了。 The mother bird and the bird was frightened by the sudden noise. 小鸟1:妈妈妈妈,人类不是很喜欢我们吗?为什么他们要破坏我们的家? Bird 1: Mom, the human is not very love us? Why do they want to destroy our home? 鸟妈妈:宝贝,人类只看到了眼前的利益,没有认识到大自然是一个平衡的整体。破坏了生态环境,人类的家园也将受到影响。 The mother bird: baby, humans only see the immediate benefits, did not realize that nature is a balanced whole. The destruction of the ecological environment, human homes will also be affected. 树姑娘:森林被砍伐了,自然界中所含的氧气变少了,气候也将越来越恶劣,人类的未来也不再阳关灿烂。可怜的鸟儿,就要失去家园了。 Tree girl: the forest is cut off, the variable nature contained oxygen less, the climate will also be more and more severe, the future of mankind no longer sunshine. The poor bird, will lose their homes. 小鸟2:妈妈,如果我们消失了,人类就再也听不到来自大自然的欢歌笑语了。 Bird 2: Mom, if we humans have disappeared, never to hear from nature and laughter. 鸟妈妈:宝贝,别怕。人们已经渐渐认识到他们的错误,已经开始大量种植树木,保护生态平衡了。 The mother bird: baby, don't be afraid. People have come to realize their mistakes, already planted a lot of trees, protect the ecological balance. (旁白):朋友们,让我们现在就行动起来吧。为了我们和小鸟的未来,做到节约用水,少用或者不用一次性筷子,节能减排,相信小鸟和我们的未来都会很美的。 (narrator): friends, let's do it right now. In order to us and the future of the bird, saving water, with no or less disposable chopsticks, energy saving and emission reduction, believe that birds and our future will be very beautiful. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/317b90127c1cfad6185fa772.html