
时间:2024-02-29 13:06:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. Life is better when you're happy. 2. Choose joy.

3. Smiling is my favorite exercise. 4. Happiness is contagious. 5. Dance like nobody's watching. 6. Embrace the joy in every day. 7. Laughter is the best medicine. 8. Sunsets and good vibes. 9. Find beauty in the little things.

10. Happiness is a choice I make every day. 11. Grateful for this beautiful day. 12. Good vibes only.

13. Enjoying the simple pleasures in life. 14. A happy heart is a healthy heart. 15. Surround yourself with positive energy.

16. Happiness is a warm cup of tea and a good book. 17. Blissful moments that make life worthwhile. 18. Every day is a new opportunity for happiness. 19. Happiness is the key to a fulfilling life. 20. Laughing with friends is the best therapy. 21. Happiness is found within.

22. Let the good times roll. 23. Joy is the best accessory.

24. Smiles are contagious, spread them everywhere you go. 25. My heart is full of happiness. 26. Happiness is a state of mind.

27. Find your happy place and go there often. 28. Happiness is waking up to a sunny day. 29. Grateful for the little things that bring me joy. 30. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. 31. Happiness is the best makeup.

32. Life is too short to be anything but happy. 33. Happiness is a day at the beach.

34. Enjoy the little moments that make life big. 35. Happiness starts with a grateful heart.

36. Choose happiness and you'll never be disappointed. 37. Happiness is a choice, not a result. 38. Joy is the secret ingredient to a happy life. 39. Happiness is spending time with loved ones.

40. Smiling is my favorite way to brighten someone's day.
