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单词headband的用法是很简单的,不过还是有必要知道它具体的汉语意思的`。一起来看看店铺为大家整理收集了英文headband指的汉语意思吧,欢迎大家阅读! headband的汉语意思

[ˈhedbænd] [ˈhɛdˌbænd] 第三人称复数:headbands 基本解释

名词 (扎在额头上的)束发带,扎头带 headband的简单例句

1. Socrates wore a headband reading, " People need justice " while the national anthem played.

2. Both returned, with Barry sporting a giant bandage held on by a headband.

3. Ben Wallace caused a stir the following night in New York when he was benched for violating team rules by wearing a headband.

4. A narrow band or strip of ribbon worn as a headband. 作为头巾的一块很窄的带子。 headband的双语例句

1. She is also the first we know about to wear a jeweled headband called a tiara while competing.

她也是第一次,我们知道要戴头巾称为宝石,而竞争的头饰。 2. Prince YWX8900 tone at the top of the use of high-quality foam headband pad to reduce the pressure head, wearing a very comfortable high quality sponge ear parts of the ear, can be masked just the entire ear to prevent the leakage of low frequency in order to create the sound of a more confined field,

to achieve better results.


3. Headband book. gold.ùSilverstrand line, tag line, hanging Baorui line.


4. Tom Chambers. So I have my vintage 60`s style glasses, long brunette wig with Adidas headband and custom basketball jersey with tube socks and cons.

钱伯斯。所以我带上了60年代风格的老式眼镜,有阿迪达斯发带的深褐色的假发和定制的印有tube socks and cons的篮球运动衫。

5. Let me put on my workout headband! 让我戴上我的健身头带!
