卡通圣诞快乐手抄报小报电子报模板 (10)

时间:2022-05-22 18:33:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Christmas (Christmas) is also known as Jesus Christmas, Nativity Day, and Catholics also known as Jesus Christmas Feast. Translated as "Christ's Mass", it originated from the Saturn Festival when the

ancient Romans greeted the New Year, and has nothing to do

Santa Claus

The Christmas figure mainly refers to Santa Claus, whose prototype is St. Nichol as, the bishop who lived in the city of Mira in the 4th century AD (in present-day Turkey). He has done a lot of charity work in his life, and most likes to help the poor in secret. Santa Claus is his nickname afterwards. This name comes

Commemorating the birth of Jesus

with Christianity. After Christianity prevailed in the Roman

It is said that Jesus was conceived by the

Empire, the Holy See followed the trend to incorpo

Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary.

God sent the messenger Gabriel to tell

from the story of him secretly giving money to

Joseph in a dream that instead of wanting

help three girls. Nicholas was revered as a saint

Mary because she was unmarried and

after his death

pregnant, he wanted to marry her and

. The image of Santa Claus is an old man
