大学学历的优势英语作文150 s a collegc degree neccssary in todaye's worldl? Bccausc a 4ycar collcgc cducation requircs a largc commitment ot time,cffort,andrmurey。Mtny high school graduales dlecide nol to go lo college。They enter the work forceimmediately.or lecide to gn to a vocational or trade scheol instead of college。Is a collegedlegree really necessary these days?Despite the expense and clelay in ertering the work force,Istrosngly helicvc that a 4 ycar collcgc cducation is neccssary and desirablc in today'sworld. Onc majcor rcason to go to collcge is that collcgc provides ncccssary academic hackgroundfor a career.During.four or more years in college,students have time and resources to exploremany diffcrent ureas in the humaniticssocial scienccs,scicnce,and protessionalficlds such as business and cnginecring,and to take a variety nf sacademic courses that willprovile inpcrtunt background for purticulaur cureers, A sccond important argument for the valuc of college is thut peoplc with college degreeshave hctter job oppcortunitics and higher income levcl than people who have only a high school orvocuticnul school ediucation,so college tmeuns a belter quulity of life.Job opportunitics andstarting salaries urc generally cxcellent fcr peoplc with college degreces while the cmploymentoulluok nay nut be so cheerlul for ttose with oatly a ltuigh sclool diploma.. Also.collegre tends to providc a labor fcrce with u ccrtain knowledige and skill,which isbenelicial to the aulvancenent of our sociely.Sudents who exercise their mids and developstrateg ics tn dcal wirth hard prohlems over four ycars of cnllege are likely to graduatc with manyskills and strategies that can be transferred to dlealing with tasks later in life,both on the job andin thcir pcrseonal lifc.This will surcly ccntribute tc the progress cf the wcrld- n su1nry,there ure any gooud urguments in support of the vulue of u 4——year collegeeducation。Morenver,the henefits far outweigh the problems and expense。I firmly believe thatHaving received higher education and experienced strict skill training,most of us will take up somewhat complex and innovative jobs,in which a great master of English is essential.On the other hand,a good knowledge of English leads to a comprehensive understanding about foreign history and culture,with which our country will collaborate and reach common ground with other countries more smoothly. However,it is impropriate to devote our whole time learning English.Students who take all their efforts to learn thousands of GRE words most of which they will never meet during the whole life are stupid,instead they should pay more attention on their majors or their social practice,which will indeed enhance their abilities and broad their horizons. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3594682415fc700abb68a98271fe910ef12dae84.html