一年级英语动物狮子 Who are you? 你是谁? I'm an African lion. We are very big cats. 我是非洲狮,我是大型的猫科动物。 Where do you live? 你住在哪里呢? We live near grasslands and woodlands。我们住在草地或者林地附近。 Do you live alone? 你是独自居住吗? Other big cats live alone. 其他大型猫科动物是独居的。 But lions live in groups called prides. 但是狮子是群居的,叫狮群。 A pride usually has about 15 lions.一个狮群通常有15头狮子。 I like your mane. 我喜欢你的鬃毛。 Only male lions have manes. 只有雄狮才有鬃毛。 The manes make us look bigger. 鬃毛让我们看起来更雄大。 That helps us to protect our pride。这样有利于保护我们的狮群。 You roar loudly.你咆哮的声音很大。 Male lions roar more than females. 雄狮比雌狮的吼声很大多。 We roar to call our prides. 我们用吼声呼唤我们的狮群。 and also scare other animals away. 也能吓得其他动物远离一些。 What do you eat?你们吃什么呢? We mostly eat zebras, and antelopes. 我们吃斑马、羚羊。 Sometimes we eat small rodents too. 有时候也吃小型啮齿目动物。 Do you go hunting? 你去打猎吗? No. Female lions hunt for the whole pride. 不,雌狮们为整个狮群狩猎。 They go together at night, 它们晚上一起行动。 I see another lion coming. 我看到其他狮子过来了。 I must protect our territory. 我必须要保护我的领地了。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/37ed9de3b24e852458fb770bf78a6529647d3526.html