
时间:2024-04-07 08:08:34 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


在学习、工作或生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是店铺收集整理的未来的`教室英文作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 未来的教室英文作文1

Now, many students can't read clearly the words on the blackboard in class, leading to the decline of learning. In twenty-fourth Century, all the classrooms have been improved and become children's favorite super classrooms. Now let's go and have a look.

Coming to twenty-fourth Century, you will see many different houses in the sky, that is, the classroom. This classroom can be used for three purposes: air, sea and air.

If you want to enter the classroom, just take the magnetic card of each student's entry card to the detector at the door of the classroom, and the classroom will suck it in.

When you enter the classroom, you will find that the classroom is actually transparent. From inside you can see clouds in the sky, as if within reach, just like sitting in the air. But it's safe to see it outside. This is a kind of air environment specially made by scientists.

There is a huge sunflower on the top of the classroom, a luminescent plant developed by the University of California in the United States, which will emit a light that can protect the eyes and also be bright.

In class, an electronic screen will appear on each desk. The screen will print the teacher's PPT and blackboard, and there will

be a layer of "eye protection film".

In class, the teacher just put PPT in the main computer, each person's screen will appear. If the teacher wants to write the book, just take a special recorder to write the word to it, and the word will be printed on the student's screen automatically.

If you have other classes, just press the "classroom" button on the wall, such as physical education, and the classroom will become a stadium, but it can't be seen from the outside.

The students' lunch was also eaten in the classroom. There is a room full of space vegetables behind the classroom. If the teacher puts some into a machine, the vegetables will be turned into delicious food by sunshine. And the machine keeps some sunshine every day, and can cook on rainy days.

Is the classroom in the future very good? Let's try our best to create it.


Today, I'm talking with my friends about what's going on in the future, they say future robots, some of the future pen and so on. I say future classrooms, and then I compare with my friends to see who thinks best, most, and most powerful.

The door of the future classroom, it is not a general door, it is a camera, not only can tell whether you are the students in this classroom, but also to judge whether you are a good person; the door is still colorless, at night, if not know the location of the installation in advance, the bad people can not make it, even the bad people come across by chance. The door will send out a strong current to turn the bad guys down.

The blackboard in the future classroom, it does not need the platform and the chalk, and no longer need the blackboard. When the teacher wants to write the blackboard, as long as the
