Fight for love(为爱而战) 歌词

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Fight for love

Elliott Yamin


I'm ecstatic I feel the magic, It's everlasting 我为永恒的魔力而心花怒放

I think you were meant to be alive on this very night with me 这个夜晚你我将相依共生

I see you clearly, your dream you hear about 我真切地看到你 你的梦境

But never truly think it's realistic 'til it blows your mind 你从不觉得那会是真的 直到头脑被吹醒

I never thought that I could understand How I was such in need 我以为我永远不会理解 我当初何以至此 And now I finally see 如今 我终于清楚地明白


I see that some people fight for love 我看到一些人为爱而争

They stick with it, just can't quit it 深陷其中 无法自拔

And some people hide from love 另一些人则躲避爱情

They run from it cause they don't want it 他们仓皇逃离 避之不及

But when you've got a love and it's good like it should be 但是一旦爱情降临 它总如它应该的那样美好 Makes you never want to give it up 让你难割难舍

Cause you know that some people die for love 你知道 有人会为爱生死相守

And I believe it's true because I'd do the same for you 我相信这是真的 因为我就会如此


You're the reason the air I'm breathing 你是我呼吸的空气 So don't go leaving 所以不要离去

Cause loving you is the only thing that ever really touched my soul 对你的爱意触动着我的灵魂 I'll protect it, of my blessings

我将会用我的祝福虔诚佑护 Glad I kept it

很高兴 我一直如此

I never really thought about the future 'til I saw my life 我从不考虑自己的未来 直到我看透自己的生活 Finding this purpose, so very worth it 找到了这个目标 它如此值得

And now I know love is really worth it and that's why 现在我懂了 爱真的如此值得 这就是为什么


Some people fight for love 一些人会为爱而争

They stick with it, just can't quit it 深陷其中 无法自拔

And some people hide from love 另一些人却躲避爱情

They run from it cause they don't want it 他们仓皇逃离 避之不及

But when you've got a love and it's good like it should be 但是一旦爱情降临 它总如它应该的那样美好 Makes you never want to give it up 让你难割难舍

Cause you know that some people die for love 你知道 有人会为爱生死相守

And I believe it's true because I'd do the same for you 我相信这是真的 因为我就是如此


Its hard to be and good to keep 爱不好得到却又很好维持

And once you're with it, it's hard to leave 一旦接触便难以割舍

You can't help but run wild with imagination 你情不自禁 思绪狂乱

It'll change your life from wrong to right 它将在对与错中改变你的生活 And then you'll touch, touch the sky 然后你就能触碰到天穹

And now I don't see how I made it through the night 我不知道我如何度过漫漫长夜

But I see how there's some people who 但是我看到一些人
