导游英语 (11)
Wutai Mountain 五台山概况:得名由来、地理位置、文殊菩萨道场、独特地位 佛光寺:概况和地位、佛光寺东大殿、与梁思成 显通寺:概况和地位、大雄宝殿、无梁殿和铜殿 佛教传播:朝台、佛教传播 Located in Wutai, Shanxi Province in central China, Mount Wutai (meaning five platforms) is one of the four famous Buddhist Mountains in China. As its name indicated, Mount Wutai is surrounded by five peaks with the tops as flat as five platforms. The five peaks are 250 kilometers in circumference. It is not hot in summers, hence another name Cool Mountain. With Taihuai Town as the center, Mount Wutai covers an area of 2,837square kilometers. Buddhism in Mount Wutai has a long history. As early as in the 11th year of the Yongping reign period (68) of the Eastern Han Dynasty, construction of Buddhist temples started. After the expansion and renovation of the temples built in the dynasties after the Tang have been preserved, making Mount Wutai enjoy the reputation of being an ancient architecture warehouse in China. The temple in the mountain includes Han Buddhist temples, as well Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. Hence it is the best place for the people to study China’s ancient architecture, religions, culture and art. Legend has it that Mount Wutai was the place of enlightenment of Manjusri (Bodhisattva of Wisdom). On the fourth day of the fourth lunar month every year, the birthday of Manjusri, all the monks of the temples in the mountain chant scriptures and hold religious service, which attract numerous domestic and foreign tourists to do sightseeing and worship Buddha. Large White Pagoda(大白塔): also known as Sakyamuni Sputa, is a Tibetan-style pagoda. Standing at the Tayuan Monastery in Taihuai toen in Mount Wutai, the circular pagoda is 54.27 meters high. This pagoda is beautifully shaped, which alternating with thin, and square matching round. A total of 252 bells hung from the edge of the platter jingle pleasantly in the breeze, showing a character of an ancient pagoda. It is regarded as the signpost of Mount Wutai. Prominence Temple(显通寺): In Taihuai Town in Mount Wutai covers an area of 80,000 square meters, and includes 400 halls, buildings and monks’ dormitories, all of which were built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The temple was first constructed in the Yongping reign period (58-75) of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Like the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, it is one of the oldest temples in China. Legend has it that once Bodhisattva of Wisdom preached Buddhism here, and now it is well know for the Immeasurable Hal, bronze Hall, bronze pagodas and other bronze cultural relics. The Bronze Hall was first constructed in the 37th ear of the Wanli reign periods (1609) of the Ming Dynasty, five meters high. It is said that over one million jin of bronze was collected from 10,000 families of the 13 provinces to build this hall. The hall has double eaves and of a roof in xieshan style (a traditional style of Chinese palace architecture, fully pilled on both sides, and half-hipped at the ends. So that an upper gable is left exposed). The four –side upper story has six doors, and the four-side lower story has eight doors, each door decorated with beautiful flower patterns. The whole bronze hall is majestically decorated and exquisitely cast. This bronze building is rare in China. 显通寺是五台山众多寺庙中最大、最古的一座。相传此寺始建于汉明帝永平年间(58~75),现有建筑大多为明、清时期所建。分别有大佛殿、观音殿、大文殊殿三大主殿,大文殊殿是显通寺的第二重大殿,所不同的是,这里供奉着7尊文殊菩萨。此外,显通寺最珍贵也是最值得一看的文物是千钵文殊菩萨铜像,铜殿和铜塔,无梁殿,华严经字塔和重达9999,5 斤的大铜钟。 The Nanchan Tample Hall(南禅寺): is on the western side of Lijiazhuang, 22 kilometers southwest of the seat of Wutai County in Shanxi Province. It was first constructed in the Tang Dynasty(618-907), with the exact date unknown. An inscription under a beam at the hall proves that it was rebuilt in the third year of the Jianzhong region period(782) of the Tang Dynasty. In the late Tang, most of the Buddhist temples in the country were destroyed due to the policy adopted by Emperor Wuzong, known as the “religious persecutions during the Huichang reign period.” As the Nanchan Temple is in an out-of-the-way place, it escaped by sheer luck. Now it is the oldest wooden architecture in China, a wonder among China’s ancient architectural structures. The Nanchan Temple Hall has a Buddhist alter, which is covered with color sculptures. The statue of Sakyamuni is in the center, with 17 sculptures of his disciples, Bodhisattvas, heavenly kings, and celestial boys on both sides and in the front. Each of them has a plump face and a natural expression, and wears simple clothes with smooth patterns. They are masterpieces of the ancient Chinese painted sculptures. With a history of over 1,200 years, these color sculptures have been well preserved, a wonder indeed. 南禅寺是我国现存历史最久的寺庙,比佛光寺早75年。 南路上五台山经过的第一座寺院,也是五台山寺院群之外的著名庙宇,始建于唐。南禅寺因远离五台山的中心庙宇群,而躲过了晚唐武宗“会昌灭佛”的浩劫。确切建筑年代以无法考证。 大佛殿,即南禅寺的正殿,是我国现存年代最早的木结构建筑,具有极大的艺术价值和历史价值。全殿没有天花板,也没有柱子,庞大的屋顶全由12根支撑檐柱支撑,简练的结构给人以稳健、庄重的感觉。大殿内有一座佛坛,坛上原有唐代彩塑17尊,属于国宝级雕塑精品,2000年被盗3尊,至今下落不明。双腿盘坐的释迦牟尼佛像居中,文殊、普贤菩萨分列左右、天王、金刚矫健有力,童子赤足立地,形象都很生动。佛坛四周满刻精美的花纹、莲瓣,这是唐代砖雕艺术的精品。 The Eastern Hall of the Buddha’s Hole Temple(东大殿): on the slope halfway up to mountain, about 32 kilometers northeast of Shanxi Province. The temple lushly grows pine and cypress trees and boasts a clean and quiet environment. First constructed in the Emperor Xiaowen reign period (471-499) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the temple became prosperity in the Sui and 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3ae84161fd4733687e21af45b307e87100f6f877.html