心情不好英语句子 1、珍惜穿着校服和他们在一起的日子吧,因为一脱就是一辈子。 Cherish the days when you wear school uniforms with them, because a lifetime is a lifetime. 2、到最后我才知道,我最对不起的其实是我自己。 At the end of the day, I realized that I am most sorry for myself. 3、值得留恋的永远不会离去,离去的永远不值得我留恋。 Those who deserve nostalgia will never leave, and those who deserve to leave will never be worth my nostalgia. 4、不是我不再爱你,只是你的世界本来就没有我可以站的地方。 It's not that I don't love you anymore, it's just that there's no place in your world where I can stand. 5、可能你说的一辈子,就是把一杯子水喝完的时间。 Maybe all your life you're talking about is the time to finish a glass of water. 6、最讨厌的是,在我努力试着放下的时候,你又出现在我面前。 The most annoying thing is that when I try to put it down, you appear in front of me again. 7、有些事不适合述说,有事话不合适倾诉,有些人不值得珍惜。 Some things are not suitable to talk about, some things are not suitable to talk about, some people are not worth cherishing. 8、明知道你的签名写的不是为我,而我却自欺欺人的对号入座。 Knowing your signature wasn't written for me, I deceived myself into being seated. 9、友谊就像贴纸,撕开一次以后就再也粘不牢了。 Friendship is like a sticker. Once you tear it apart, it will never stick. 10、心情就像衣服,脏了就拿去洗洗,晒晒,阳光自然就会蔓延开来。 Mood is like clothes, dirty take to wash, sun, the sun will spread naturally. 11、喜欢星星,却只能仰望天空;喜欢清风,却伸手抓空。 Like the stars, but can only look up at the sky; like the breeze, but reach out empty. 12、你心软你总是害怕伤害到谁谁谁,所以被伤害到的人总是你。 You are soft-hearted. You are always afraid of hurting anyone, so the person who is hurt is always you. 13、在没有所谓的世界里,还剩下什么所谓需要做的事情。 In the absence of the so-called world, there is nothing left to do so-called needs. 14、男人哭了,是因为他真的爱了;女人哭了,是因为她真得放弃了。 A man cries because he really loves; a woman cries because she really has to give up. --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 15、我再也是不会奋不顾身的去爱上任何一个人了,哪怕那个人是你。 I will never love anyone again, even if that person is you. 16、伤心过、折磨过、绝望过、恨过,却从没想要放弃过。 Sad, tortured, desperate, hated, but never want to give up. 17、等待不可怕,可怕的是不知道什么时候是尽头。 It's not terrible to wait. It's terrible not to know when the end is. 18、有些人明明说好了不在意,去还是忍不住去关注。 Some people can't help paying attention when they say they don't care. 19、我害怕,我拼了命的珍惜后,却还是什么都没留住。 I'm afraid, I desperately cherish, but still nothing to stay. 20、有没有试过回过头去看你跟一个人的聊天记录,从一开始到现在。 Have you ever looked back at your chat record with someone, from the beginning to the present? 21、时间不会让你忘了他,只会让你习惯没有他。 Time will not let you forget him, but will let you get used to not having him. 22、对自己承诺:我要强大到任何事情都无法破坏我内心的平和。 Commitment to myself: I want to be strong enough that nothing can destroy my inner peace. 23、时间在变,心在变,有些事情,回不去就是回不去。 Time is changing, heart is changing, and some things can't go back. 24、没有准备请不要开始,没有能力请不要承诺。 No preparation, please don't start, no ability, please don't promise. 25、世界上唯一会随着时间的流逝而越变越美好的东西,只有回忆。 The only thing in the world that will become better and better with the passage of time is memory. 26、世上的感情分为三种:无情、多情、自作多情。 There are three kinds of feelings in the world: ruthless, passionate and self-made. 27、别再尝试进入我的心脏我怕里面太冷把你冻伤。 Stop trying to get into my heart. I'm afraid it's too cold to freeze you. 28、后来,我们都走在各自的路上,谁也没有再等谁。 Later, we all went on our own way, and nobody waited for anybody. 29、你给的伤口,就像是个倔强的孩子,始终不肯愈合。 You give the wound, like a stubborn child, always refuse to heal. 30、做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都来得好。 It's better to be your original self than to be a copy of anyone else. 31、没什么,只是学聪明了,不再问你离开我的原因。 It's nothing. It's just learning to be smart. Don't ask why you left me anymore. 32、从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。 From now on, I will no longer look forward to, only cherish what I have. --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 33、青春像一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。 Youth is like a heavy rain. Even if you catch a cold, you still hope to get it again. 34、谁也不会许谁的一世柔情,就像我也许不了你一声幸福一样。 No one will allow one's life of tenderness, just as I may not be able to make you happy. 35、陪你走过了青葱岁月,却未走进你步履蹒跚的时光。 Accompanied you through the years of green onions, but did not enter your staggering time. 36、什么时候我也开始小心翼翼跟你说话,我记得我以前挺猖狂的。 When did I begin to talk to you carefully? I remember I used to be rampant. 37、如果你试过真正的孤立无援,你会知道眼泪是最没用的东西。 If you try to be truly isolated, you will know that tears are the most useless thing. 38、同一件事,想开了就是天堂,想不开就是地狱。 The same thing, if you think about it, is heaven, but if you don't think about it, it's hell. 39、对不起,在你说分手的时候,我忘记把心拿回来了。 Sorry, I forgot to bring my heart back when you said goodbye. 40、心脏只有那么一小块地,你想再进去,请你先扩地! There is only such a small plot of land in your heart. If you want to go in again, please expand it first. 41、我这般爱闹的性子也终究被打磨成如今这副孤言寡语的模样。 After all, my noisy nature has been polished into the present kind of silence. 42、走着走着,就散了,回忆也都淡了。重温也都难了。 Walking along, it's gone, and the memories are faded. It's hard to review. 43、我曾给你最珍贵的告白,你却给我最痛的玩笑。 I once gave you the most precious confession, but you gave me the most painful joke. 44、如果有下辈子,我一定要做你的心脏因为我不跳,你就得死。 If there is a next life, I must do your heart because I do not beat, you will die. 45、我们只是路人甲乙丙丁,在这花花世界集体游戏。 We are just passers-by A, B and D, in this world of flowers and flowers collective games. 46、多希望死亡只是身上的一个按钮,一按即去,不痛不痒。 I hope that death is just a button on my body. It's not painful or itchy to press it. --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3db26b2d8662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afeb6b7.html