2020职称英语词汇E开头:embody是什么意思及反义词 及物动词: 1.具体表达,使具体化 2.表现,象征,包括,包含 词形变化:时态:embodied,embodying,embodies。 同义词:be,personify;incarnate,body forth,substantiate。 英语句子 The car for experimentation, is an embodiment of science and technology 试验用汽车是一种科学技术的体现。 The car for experimentation, is an embodiment of science and technology. 试验用汽车是一种科学技术的体现。 A representation of the penis and testes as an embodiment of generative power. 男性生殖器形象作为生殖力量象征的阴茎和睾丸的描绘。 Of course, the report reflects my views, but in the main it embodies collective opinions. 当然,这份报告中也有我的看法和意见,但绝大部分是集体的意见。 The dishes of this large restaurant emBodies superB coloring and artistic presentation. 这家大饭店的莱肴,色艺双绝。 英语解释 represent or express something abstract in tangible form represent, as of a character on stage represent in bodily form 相似单词 embody v.[T] 1.具体表达,使具体化 2.表现,象征,包括,包含 embodying [ embody ]的现在分词 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3dc2fd831b5f312b3169a45177232f60dccce762.html