
时间:2023-09-24 04:08:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

英语神话故事小短文 1. Medusa

Medusa was once a beautiful woman, but she made the mistake of boasting that she was more beautiful than the goddess Athena. As punishment, Athena turned her into a monster with snakes for hair. Anyone who looked at her would turn to stone. Medusa was eventually killed by the hero Perseus, who used a mirror to avoid looking directly at her. 2. Pandora's box

According to Greek mythology, Zeus gave Pandora a box and instructed her not to open it. However, her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the box, unleashing all the evils of the world. The only thing left inside was hope. 3. The Trojan War

The Trojan War was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans. The Greeks laid siege to the city of Troy for 10 years after Paris, a Trojan prince, abducted Helen, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta. The Greeks eventually won the war by using the Trojan Horse, a giant wooden horse filled with soldiers that was left outside the gates of Troy as a supposed gift. 4. King Midas

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King Midas was granted a wish by the god Dionysus, and he wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. At first, he was delighted with his new power, but he soon realized that it was a curse when he turned his own daughter to gold. He begged Dionysus to take back his wish, and the god agreed, telling him to wash his hands in the river. Midas did so, and his power was gone.

5. The Minotaur

The Minotaur was a creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull. It was kept in a labyrinth on the island of Crete, and was fed with human sacrifices. Theseus, a Greek hero, volunteered to slay the beast. He was aided by Ariadne, the daughter of the king of Crete, who gave him a ball of string to help him find his way out of the labyrinth. Theseus killed the Minotaur and escaped with Ariadne.

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