欢迎阅读 旅行英文祝福语 导读: 1、用我的祝福,伴你走过每一级台阶。 With my blessing, accompany you to walk through every step. 2、祝你一路平安一路行,一路舒畅一路歌声! I wish you a safe journey and a pleasant journey. 3、朋友祝你旅途平安,幸福快乐! Friends, I wish you a safe journey and happiness. 4、心系远方出游的你,祝福你旅途愉快! You travel far away, wish you a pleasant journey! 5、用我的问候,陪你走过每一处景观。 With my greetings, accompany you through every landscape. 6、用我的牵挂,携你攀登每一座高山。 With my concern, I will take you to every mountain. 7、送你一份好心情,愿你出行皆顺心。 Send you a good mood, I wish you all the best. 8、一份祝福,一份心愿,一份开心,一份如意,一路顺风,一路平安归来。 A blessing, a wish, a joy, a wish, a pleasant journey, a safe journey home. 欢迎阅读 9、祝你一路顺风,领略山水风景,感受幸福人生! I wish you a pleasant journey, enjoy the scenery and feel happy life! 10、祝你愉快的旅途,幸福的人生! I wish you a happy journey and a happy life. 11、祝你旅途快乐,平平安安愉快的每一刻! I wish you a happy journey and every moment of peace and happiness. 12、风带着我的问候,云带着我的祝福。 The wind took my greetings, and cloud brought my blessing. 13、送你一包开心豆,一路开心伴左右。 Send you a package of happy beans, all the way around happy. 14、送你一株幸运草,幸运在身旁围绕。 Send you a lucky grass, lucky around it. 15、祝君身心都健康,快乐平安相依伴,喜乐幸福逍遥游! Wishing you health and happiness, peace and happiness, joy, happiness and carefree travel. 16、我会天天挂念你,时时联系你,愿你旅途愉快。 I will miss you every day, and I will contact you every once in a while. I hope you have a good trip. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/409d0253ba4cf7ec4afe04a1b0717fd5370cb217.html