高级副词 一、非常 (very ['verɪ]) exceedingly [ɪk'siːdɪŋlɪ] 【例句】The child has skipped to the third grade as he did exceedingly well in his studies。 【翻译】这孩子因成绩优异而越级升入三年级。 extremely [ɪk'striːmlɪ] 【例句】He had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question。 【翻译】他在处理这个财务问题时很有分寸。 considerably [kən'sɪd(ə)rəblɪ] 【例句】The need for sleep varies considerably from person to person。 【翻译】不同的人对睡眠的需要差异相当大。 二、尤其 (especially [ɪ'speʃ(ə)lɪ]) specially ['speʃəlɪ] 【例句】It will be hard to work today---specially when it’s so warm and sunny outside。 【翻译】今天无心工作——尤其是外面这样风和日丽。 notably ['nəʊtəblɪ] 【例句】Some subjects are very popular among students, notably computer science。 【翻译】一些课程在学生当中是非常受欢迎的,尤其是计算机课。 particularly [pə'tɪkjʊləlɪ] 【例句】Traffic is bad, particularly in the city center。 【翻译】交通状况很差,尤其实在市中心。 三、立即 (immediately [ɪ'miːdɪətlɪ]) directly [dɪ'rektlɪ] 【例句】Tell them I’ll be there directly。 【翻译】告诉他们我一会就到。 instantly ['ɪnst(ə)ntlɪ] 【例句】The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly relieved。 【翻译】那位外交官插进一个笑话,紧张的气氛顿时缓和下来。 promptly ['prɒm(p)tlɪ] 【例句】She promptly seized the opportunity his absence gave her。 【翻译】她立即抓住了因他不在场给她创造的机会。 四、明显地(clearly ['klɪəlɪ]) obviously ['ɒbvɪəslɪ] 【例句】Obviously, they've had sponsorship from some big companies。 【翻译】很显然,他们已经得到某些大公司的赞助。 apparently [ə'pærəntlɪ] 【例句】Apparently they are getting divorced soon。 【翻译】看样子,他们很快就要离婚。 evidently ['evɪd(ə)ntlɪ] 【例句】Ellis evidently wished to negotiate downwards after Atkinson had set the guidelines。 【翻译】埃利斯显然希望在阿特金森制定了指导方针后继续往下协商。 高级形副词 第 1 页 共 2 页 五、确定地 (certainly ['sɜːt(ə)nlɪ]) definitely ['defɪnɪtlɪ] 【例句】I definitely remember sending the letter。 【翻译】我记得这封信肯定发出去了。 undoubtedly [ʌn'daʊtɪdlɪ] 【例句】Mr. Brooke is undoubtedly in a spot of bother。 【翻译】布鲁克先生肯定遇到了点小麻烦。 decidedly [dɪ'saɪdɪdlɪ] 【例句】He made all the other players on the field look decidedly ordinary。 【翻译】他使场上所有其他运动员都黯然失色。 六、完全地 (totally ['təʊtəlɪ]) completely [kəm'pliːtlɪ] 【例句】This newspaper gave a completely different slant on the tax reform。 【翻译】这家报纸对税制改革持有完全不同的看法。 absolutely ['æbsəluːtlɪ] 【例句】At the end of a day’s teaching, her nerves were absolutely shattered。 【翻译】教了一天课,她精疲力竭。 entirely [ɪn'taɪəlɪ] 【例句】An entirely rigid system is impractical。 【翻译】一套完全死板的体制是不实际的。 七、广泛地 (widely) generally ['dʒen(ə)rəlɪ] 【例句】The plan was generally welcomed。 【翻译】该计划大受欢迎。 extensively [ik'stensivli] 【例句】She has travelled extensively。 【翻译】她游历甚广。 universally [juːnɪ'vɜːsəlɪ] 【例句】The scale of the problem is now universally recognized。 【翻译】现在全世界的人都已认识到了这个问题的严重性。 高级形容词 compatible 兼容的 laudable 可赞誉的 confident 自信的 lavishly 大方的 aggressive 有上进心的 delicious 美味可口的 voluntary 自愿的 economical 经济的 well-grounded 有充足理由的 enlightened 开明的;文明的 wholesome 健康的 magnanimous 宽宏大量的 balanced 平衡的 prosperous 繁荣昌盛的 contributive 有贡献的 palatable 美味的 glamorous 富有魅力的 practical 实际的;务实的 gorgeous 辉煌的 preferential 优惠的 impressive 令人印象深刻的 unique 独特的 interpersonal 密切的 高级形副词 第 2 页 共 2 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/41ad47030366f5335a8102d276a20029bd6463f0.html