New day励志英语谚语 1、A new day has begun, looking forward to the future, boundless sky. 新的一天开始了,展望未来,海阔天空。 2、It's a new day. It's a race against time. I live in the first ray of sunshine in the morning. 又是新的一天,和时间赛跑,把握住清晨的第一缕阳光。 3、Too can not change, the future can not be predicted. Only now we need to firmly grasp. 过于的无法改变,未来的无法预测。只有当下我们需要牢牢把握。 4、A new day is coming. Bathe in the cool breeze, breathe the fresh air, and feel the beauty of life. 新的一天来了,沐浴凉爽的微风,呼吸新鲜的空气,感受生活的美好。 5、A new day, a new self, get rid of the past and move forward. 新的一天,新的自己,摆脱过去,昂扬向前。 本文来源: