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1. make up your own mind. 你来拿主意。 2. its up to you. 听你的。

3. the choice is yours. 怎么选都在你。 4. dont mind me. 别在意我。

5. its no skin off my nose. 我无所谓的。

6. do as you please. 请便。

7. you are in charge here. 你管事儿,就听你的。 8. its your decision. 这个决定由你做。 9. you are the boss. 你是头儿,你说了算。

10. you have the final say. 你来定吧!






1. in an effort to protect the validity of gre scores, ets has made the difficult decision to cancel all scores resulting from the oct. 23, 2010 gre administration in china


2. ive decided to quit my job, this is really a tough decision 我已经决定辞职了,做这个决定挺难的。

3. the city council has to make the tough call and decide whether to cut education or tourism budgets

市议会要做出艰难抉择,决定到底要削减教育预算还是旅游预算。 4. weve had a hard time making this decision, sorry, you are fired

做出这个决定让我们很受煎熬,很抱歉,你被解雇了。 5. tv fans may have tough choices in new season 新剧季到来,电视迷们可能要难做取舍了。


表示决心、决定做英语用法 1)decide to do 决定做

we decided to put off the trip to the u.s.我们决定推迟美国之行。 2)make a decision to do

he has made a decision to buy a new computer.他已决定买一台新电脑。

3)make up one’s mind to do

the doctor made up his mind to go abroad for further education. 那位医生决定出国深造。

4)determine to do we have determined to get the work done before national day.我们已决定国庆节前完成这项工作。 5)be determined to do

he is determined to give up smoking.他决心戒烟。

6)decide that……(从句中动词用should + 动词原形) we decided that we should widen the road.我们决定拓宽这条路。

[应用]一句多译:这位年轻科学家决心继续自己的研究。 key:the young scientist was determined to go on with his research. he determined to go on with his research.

he decided that he should go on with his research. he made up his mind to go on with his research./he made a decision to go on with his research. he decided to go on with his research.
