武汉理工大学研究生导师预录取国际学生函 Provisional Acceptance Letter by WUT Academic Supervisors 申请人基本信息/Basic Information of Applicant 武汉理工大学申编号/ WUT Apply No. 姓名/ Full Name 最高学历/ Highest Diploma 所学专业/ Major studied 硕士生/Master 拟录取学生类别 /Student Category 博士生/Doctor 普通进修生/General Scholar 高级进修生/Senior Scholar 拟安排专业 /Major Accepted 拟安排学习时间 /Duration of Study 研究生导师姓名 /Name of Supervisor 联系电话 /Contact Number 年/Year 月Month 至/to 年/Year 月Month 所属院系 /Faculty 联系邮箱 /Contact Email 拟安排授课语言 /Language of Instruction 英文授课/English 国籍/ Nationality 成绩/GPA 国家留学基金委申编号/ 获得学位/ Degree Obtained 毕业院校/ Graduate Institute 联系邮箱/ Contact Email CSC Serial No. 研究生导师基本意见/Acceptance by Supervisor 中文授课/Chinese 研究生导师对学生的评价/Supervisor's Comments on Applicant 导师签名/Supervisor Signature 日期/Date 院(系)签章/Seal by the Faculty 注:本表可视为武汉理工大学研究生导师预录取国际学生的意见。研究生导师签发该函件,应根据学校及本学院录取国际学生的基本标准、认真审核国际学生的申请资料。本函件非武汉理工大学录取国际学生的正式凭证,国际学生可凭本函件向有关机构申请资助,可持本函件及有关申请资料向武汉理工大学留学生招生部门申请办理最终录取手续。 Note: This is a provisional letter issued by WUT academic supervisors. It could only be issued after evaluation of application materials, based on the admission criteria for international students. It may assist students to apply for scholarship or financial support from relevant authorities concerned. For official WUT Admission Notice, please complete the required admission procedure. The International Student Office of WUT reserves the right for final explanation. 联系我们/Contact us: 中国湖北省武汉市珞狮路205号 武汉理工大学国际教育学院留学生招生办公室 International Admission Office, School of International Education,Wuhan University of Technology #205 Luoshi Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan 430070,Hubei Province, China Tel:0086-27-87166636 Email:admission@whut.edu.cn Website:http://sie.whut.edu.cn/english/ist/ 武汉理工大学国际教育学院制 School of International Education , WUT, Wuhan, China 武汉理工大学国际教育学院制 School of International Education , WUT, Wuhan, China 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/42c535c3dcccda38376baf1ffc4ffe473268fdd8.html