
时间:2022-05-29 04:07:46 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Edward: Hello, I'm here for a consultation regarding civil law. 爱德华: 您好,我想咨询一下民法方面的问题。 Lawyer: Yes, please. 律师:请讲。

Edward: My neighbors are causing me to lose sleep. They are always singing and dancing late into the night.


Lawyer: Oh, I see. For a case like this, we'll arrange for a lawyer to go visiting your neighbor with you.

律师:哦,明白了。对于这种案子,我们通常会安排个律师去跟您的邻居交涉。 Edward: I spoke to them several times before. I don't think having a lawyer present is going to help.


Lawyer: In that case, we'll contact the police. If they find enough evidence, they'll force your neighbors to comply.


Edward: That's good. I hope I can have some peaceful nights in the future. 爱德华:好。希望马上就有安静日子过了。 1. Apply for an ID card 申请办理身份证 A: How can I apply for an ID card?

B: There is a guy in charge of the ID card. His name is Jerry Tang. Give him a call.


B:负责身份证的人叫做杰瑞·唐,给他打个电话。 2. Buy tickets for travel 出差买票

A: How do I buy tickets for my travel?

B: After your TA is signed talk to your secretary. She will buy the tickets for you.


B:等你的出差审批单批准了以后,告诉你秘书就行了,她会帮你买票。 3. Do I have to … 我必须……吗? A: Do I have to be at work at 8:00 am?

B: If you need to come in late you can set up flexible work schedule. A:我必须早上八点上班吗?

B:如果你需要晚来的话,可以定一个弹性的工作时间表。 Bill, do me a favor, will you? 比尔,帮我个忙可以吗? 比尔:

That all depends on what it is. 要看你让我帮什么. 麦克:

The problem is I`m still having trouble with my English. My instructor suggests that I ask an American to help me. If I don`t know how to say some things in English I can ask him. I want you to be the one.

问题是我的英语还是没有进展.我的英语老师建议我找一个美国人帮助我.如果不知道怎么用英语表达,我可以问他.我希望你来做我这个朋友. 比尔:

What good will it do? You never speak English unless you absolutely have to. I`ll make you promise to speak nothing but English when we are together. 怎么才能做好呢?不到万不得已你根本不会说英语.我要你向我保证以后我们在一起的时候只说英语. 麦克:

All right. Maybe I`ll do that. It`s the only way I`ll be able to learn English fast enough, I guess.

好的,我尽量.我想这是我学英语最快的方法了. 比尔: Yes. 对啊. 麦克:

Anyway, thank you! 不管怎样,谢谢.

