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求职简历的英语说法1 Resume

求职简历的英语说法2 Job resume


学生求职简历 Student Resume 个人求职简历 Personal Resume

求职信和简历 Application letter&Resume 简历求职 Resume writing software 求职简历的英语例句:

1. Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter. 申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。

2. If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees. 如果你符合要求,就寄一份简历给丽贝卡·里斯。 3. Send them a copy of your CV. 给他们寄一份你的简历。

4. Check the accuracy of everything in your CV. 请核对简历中的每个细节,务必准确无误。

5. Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th.


6. The long list of jobs on her CV suggests a lack of stickability.


7. Next Friday is the deadline for applicants'sending in photos and vitae.


8. Send them your vitae if you want to go for this job. 如果你想得到这份工作,就寄份简历给他们. 9. Send a resume, please. 请寄一份简历.

10. It shows how to prepare a CV, and gives tips on applying for jobs.

它说明了如何准备简历,并就如何申请职位提了些建议。 11. Your cv should be shorttwo sides of a sheet of A4 paper should normally be enough.


12. Send your resume with a cover letter that is specific to that particular job.

寄出你的简历并附上一份针对那个特定工作岗位的附函。 13. My resume shows that I have the right qualifications for the job.


14. Please do not send your resume by attachment. 请勿以附件形式发送简历。

15. Send us a resume and cover letter. 将简历装入信封发送给我们.
