毫无意义英语短语 毫无意义的英文单词翻译是meaningless. meaningless:adj.无意义的;毫无目的的;无价值的;不重要的;无所谓的;意思不明确的;晦涩的。 扩展资料 We fill up our lives with meaningless tasks. 我们终日忙忙碌碌,过得毫无意义。 The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas. 这篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。 The sentence 'kicked the ball the man' is meaningless kicked the ball the man这句话毫无意义。 These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless. 这些测试存在严重错误,致使结果变得毫无意义。 He would rather have a decent death which served some purpose than a meaningless death. 他宁愿死得其所,也不想无谓地死去。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/449c193526c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8b9f6ec6f.html