
时间:2022-07-08 12:02:35 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


My most influential historical hero is Tang Sanzang. Tang Xuanzang is well versed in Buddhism, and is honored as "Master Sanzang", commonly known as "Tang Priest".

When studying Buddhist scriptures, Tang Xuanzang found many mistakes in the translated Buddhist scriptures before, so he decided to go to Tianzhu, the source of Buddhism, to study hard and retrieve the true scriptures. However, at that time, the court prohibited the Tang people from leaving the country. Tang Xuanzang tried every means, went through many places: Qin Zhou, Liangzhou, Guazhou, Gaochang, Qiuci, Broken Leaf, etc. On the way, many officials and monks asked Tang Xuanzang to become a mage in his hometown or stay in the temple, but Tang Xuanzang

What Tang Xuanzang never expected was that at that time, Buddhism in Tianzhu had already declined. He tried his best to win a debate. This made Buddhism flourish gradually. Later, Tang Xuanzang devoted himself to translating more than 600 Buddhist scriptures brought from Tianzhu in the Great Jionji of Chang 'an. Together with his disciples, he also wrote a book called "The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty", which recorded the geographical conditions and customs of 110

countries he had visited and 28 countries he had heard of at that time, and became an important historical and geographical work now.

The Journey to the West makes people fondle admiringly; Tang Xuanzang will shine forever in the Chinese history picture scroll.


xx精通佛教,被尊称为"三藏法师”,俗称就是"唐僧”。 xx在研究佛经的时候,发现以前翻译过来的佛经有不少错误,便决定到佛教的来源之地——天竺,去认真学习,取回真经。可是,当时朝廷是禁止唐人出境的,唐xx想方设法,费尽千辛万苦,跋山涉水,经过了许多地方:秦州、凉州、瓜州、高昌、龟兹、碎叶等途中,不少的官员与僧人,都请求唐xx到自己的家乡当法师或留在寺院里,可唐xx取经的决心十分坚定,都——回绝了,终于,来到了佛教圣地——天竺。


