水利水电工程专业英语——水利工程施工篇 1. Concrete—Faced Rockfill Dams’ Plinth Construction 1. 混凝土面板堆石坝的趾板施工 Essentially two types of plinth geometry have been used by the Commission namely: (1) with the apron made horizontal in a direction normal to the plinth line; (2) with the apron made horizontal in a direction normal to the dam axis. Following Cethana, plinths of the second type have been adopted to minimize excavation, especially in deep terrain。 However, the gains thus achieved have not been without some compensating losses。 Very awkward apron surfaces result, which do not facilitate a highly mechanized approach to the later operations of forming, concreting, drilling and grouting。 In the Commission’s situation this has reduced their appeal to the point where reverting to the original design is being seriously considered. 委员会中应用了两种基本类型的趾板几何形状,即:(1)带有与趾板线垂直的水平型护坦;(2)带有与坝轴线垂直的水平型护坦。下面的塞沙那坝中,应用了第二种类型以尽量减少开挖,特别是在深层地形中.然而,这样取得的成就并非没有一些补偿损失。很尴尬的护坦表面导致了混凝土浇筑、钻孔和灌浆,而这不利于一个高度机械化的方法随后的立模操作。从委员会的处境来说,这已经将它们的应用降低到了开始认真考虑恢复原始设计的那点。 At Cethana the plinth was constructed from the rockfill as the dam was raised. Subsequently this procedure has been avoided because of the programme restraints it imposes. In relatively narrow valleys with working space limited, where climatic conditions can affect the rate of progress and where an unforeseen foundation problem can have a major influence on programme we have thought it desirable to provide access from upstream. 在塞沙那坝中趾板是随着大坝的抬升而用堆石修建。由于它所施加的程序限制,随后这个过程被避免使用。在工作空间有限的相对狭窄河谷,在那里气候条件能够影响进度速率且一个不可预见的基础问题可能对计划有重大的影响,我们认为这须要从上游提供入口。 1.1 Plinth excavation 1.1趾板开挖 Where road access is available or where abutments are no steeper than approximately 30 degrees, excavation is typically done with tracked earthmoving equipment, especially hydraulic excavators。 Where drilling and blasting is necessary, crawler mounted percussion drills both pneumatic and hydraulic, are used. The use of explosives must be carefully controlled if damage to the plinth foundation is to be avoided。 在有道路入口或坝肩不陡于30度的地方,挖掘的典型做法是使用轨道土方开挖设备,特别是液压挖掘机.在必须钻井和爆破的地方,要使用气动或液压式履带式冲击钻机。如果要避免对趾板基础的损害,就必须严格控制爆破的使用。 In steeper sections methods are limited to manual labour with jackhammers, shovels and picks, and where possible small crane handled hydraulic excavators (mass 5 tonne)。 在较深的地方方法被限定为用手提钻、铁锹和镐的手工劳力,在可能的地方可用到小型吊车操纵的液压挖掘机(质量5吨)。 Final cleanup is usually to a standard such that the surface directly under the plinth is entirely free of dirt or loose material。 For a distance of 3 meters downstream of the plinth the surface is normally scraped using a small hydraulic excavator with a smooth edge bucket. Faults and joints are chased out usually to a depth equal to their width and then backfilled with concrete。 Where joints extend through the plinth, this treatment is continued to the point where the joint is closed. Such features are then covered with filter material during rockplacing。 Geological mapping is carried out after cleanup and final assessment is then made of any adjustments to the position or increase in the number of consolidation grout holes thought desirable。 最后的清理要达到趾板下表面要完全没有污垢或松散材料的标准。在趾板表面下游3米远的地方通常用带有光滑边缘挖斗的液压挖掘机刮平.断层和接缝通常被挖成与其宽度相等的深度,并用混凝土回填。在接缝延伸贯穿趾板的地方,这种处理要延续到接缝闭合的地方。这种特性随后在堆石过程中用过滤材料覆盖.清理后开展测绘,随后根据位置进行最终评估的任意调整或增加认为可取的固结灌浆孔数量。 Compressed air with some water introduced at the nozzle is the preferred tool for cleanup although in some instances a very high pressure water cleaner has been used to good advantage. 尽管在一些情况下非常高的高压水清洁器已有很好的应用优势,但在喷嘴处引入一些水的压缩空气是清理的优选的工具。 1.2 Plinth concrete 1.2趾板混凝土 Because plinths tend to produce apron surfaces with a severe crossfall (in addition to the normal slope), winch—controlled mobile equipment is not generally a practical proposition。 Consequently manual and crane based techniques have predominated. 因为趾板往往产生有严重横坡的护坦表面(在正常坡度之外),因此实践中一般不建议使用绞车控制的移动设备。由此以基于技术的手工和起重机方法为主。 Typically dowelling (where out of reach of track drills) is done with jackhammers, while boxing is a mix of crane handled steel forms (especially the ”apex" of the plinth which contains the waterstops), crane handled “soldier" assemblies to support apron shuttering, and built in place timber. Reinforcement is tied in place and concrete usually delivered by crane and bucket. 典型的用销接合(轨道钻不能到达的地方)使用手工钻完成,而立模是起重机控制钢模板的组合(尤其是其中包含了止水带的趾板的“顶点”),起重机控制“士兵”组件以支撑护坦模板,以及就位安装木材.就位捆绑钢筋并通常用起重机和铲斗输送混凝土。 For the earlier dams copper was the material preferred for the primary waterstop, with oxy—acetylene brazing used for jointing, and extruded natural rubber was used for the secondary waterstop. However, for the Pieman Development, stainless in a “W” shape and continuous moulded Hypalon rubber were substituted。 From the construction viewpoint these are both excellent materials. Stainless steel in the profile used is very rigid but still light enough to manhandle in 10 meter lengths. Two steps were used in the jointing process but neither step is difficult to do in the field。 The first step is to achieve close contact between the parts by using a spot welder after which the lap is sealed using a portable TIG welder. The Hypalon is readily jointed by vulcanising. 对于早期大坝紫铜是优选的主止水材料,使用氧炔铜焊焊接,挤制的天然橡胶被用于次止水。然而,对于皮艾曼坝,“W”形的不锈钢和连续性聚乙烯合成橡胶模制被取代。从施工角度这些都是优质材料。型材中不锈钢的应用非常严格,但是仍然足够轻可以人工操作10米长的钢筋。焊接过程中用到了两步,但是两者都很难在现场进行。第一步是在用便携式TIG焊机密封交合处之后,用点焊机实现部件之间的紧密接合。聚乙烯合成橡胶通过硫化很容易接合。 2. Details of Several Diversion Tunnels 2。 一些导流洞的详细信息 The initial diameters of the diversion tunnels of the Prangana, Cethana and Devils Gate schemes were different when chosen independently. However, after further design study and adjustment of tunnel and coffer dam levels, overall total economy was obtained by adopting a lined diameter of 6.6m for the three tunnels. 普兰加纳坝、塞沙那坝和德威尔斯坝的闸门方案的导流洞初始直径在独立选择时是不同的.然而,在对导流洞和围堰进一步的设计研究,三个导流洞采用6米的内径可以获得全局经济性. The diameters of the diversion tunnels of the Wilmot and Paloona schemes were different when chosen independently. Again, adjustment of tunnel and coffer dam levels made it reasonable to adopt a lined diameter of 4.4m for the both tunnels. 威尔莫特和帕劳莫导流洞直径选择方案在独立选择时是不同的。再次,导流洞和围堰的调整使得两个导流洞采用4。4米内径合理可行。 For the 6.6m diameter tunnels, short inlet transitions were provided which were identical in hydraulic shape and which could be sealed by a gate 6。9m high by 7。3m wide. With water at upstream coffer dam crest level, invert and side transitions behaved well hydraulically and water just reached to the inlet crown。 For the 4.4m diameter tunnels, short circular bellmouth transitions were provided which could also be sealed by a gate 6。9m high by 7.3m wide. With water at upstream coffer dam crest level, the inlets were drowned and behaved well hydraulically。 对于6.6米直径的隧洞提供了短进口过渡段,它们水力形状相同且可以用一个6.9米高、7。3米宽的闸门封堵。当水位达到上游围堰堰顶高度时,管道内底和侧面过渡段水力运行条件且水刚达到进口顶冠处.对于4。4米直径的隧洞,提供了短圆状喇叭口形过渡段且可以用一个6。9米高、7。3米宽的闸门封堵.当水位达到上游围堰堰顶高度时,这个进口被淹没且水力运行条件良好。 The shape and load conditions of the large inlet transitions were such that little steel reinforcement was required. Classical and finite element analysis showed that the structures would be safe provided circular shells could be inscribed wholly within the concrete and normal to the transition axis, with average stresses about 50% of those acceptable in a circular conduit。 The Cethana inlet transition was provided with nominal reinforcement in the vicinity of embedded parts, a single, sensibly horizontal mat of crown reinforcement to permit early removal of formwork。 Two horizontal stressing cables were provided to combat the tendency of the gate reaction friction loads to spread the vertical embedded bearing plates apart as the tension chord of the gate stretched under load。 大进口过渡段的形状和负荷条件几乎不需要钢筋。经典分析和有限元分析结果表明,倘若圆形外壳在混凝土内可以完全内接并与过渡段轴线相垂直,在圆形管道中平均应力约为允许值的50%时,结构将会安全稳定.塞沙那坝进口渐变段在预埋件附近提供了标称钢筋, 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4562df1eb868a98271fe910ef12d2af90242a8e2.html