
时间:2024-04-01 13:58:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

以下是关于《杰克的悠长夏天》Jack's Endless Summer)的一些好词摘抄,以英文为主:

1. "The gentle breeze carried the scent of summer, as Jack basked in the golden rays of the sun."(柔和的微风带着夏日的芬芳,杰克在金色的阳光下享受着。

2. "Every sunrise greeted Jack with the promise of endless adventures and carefree days."(每一次日出都向杰克承诺无尽的冒险和无忧的日子。

3. "The ocean waves crashed against the shore, creating a symphony of sound that echoed through Jack's soul."海浪拍打着海岸,创造出一曲回荡在杰克灵魂中的声音交响曲。

4. "Jack's laughter filled the air, as he embraced the joy and freedom of a long, lazy summer."(杰克的笑声充盈在空气中,他拥抱着长长的、懒洋洋的夏天带来的喜悦和自由。

5. "The vibrant colors of flowers and lush greenery painted a picture-perfect backdrop to Jack's idyllic summer."(鲜艳的花朵和郁郁葱葱的绿色植物为杰克的田园般的夏日提供了一幅完美的背景。

6. "Each day was a blank canvas for Jack to fill with endless possibilities and unforgettable moments."每一天都是杰克用无尽可能


7. "The sweetness of juicy watermelon and the tanginess of freshly squeezed lemonade danced on Jack's taste buds, leaving him refreshed and content."(多汁的西瓜甜蜜可口,新鲜挤压的柠檬水带给杰克味蕾的美妙舞蹈,让他感到清爽和满足。

