
时间:2023-04-21 14:04:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

英语邀请函作文 篇一 Dear Petty,

I hope you didn’t make any plane for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to come to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is fantastic that I am sure you will like it. On Saturday, you can walk around my house after you get here. The party will begin at 7:00. You can live in my house that night. On Sunday, we can go fishing or play table tennis. So please do some preparation for them. You can drive here and you will see a board “Kelly’s Home” near the road. It only takes you one hour to get here. I hope there will be nothing stopping you to come. Yours affectionately, Kelly 亲爱的贝蒂:


英语作文邀请函 篇二 Dear Sir/Madam

We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new [product]

The presentation will take place at [location]at [time] on

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[date] There will also be a reception at [time] We hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend.

[company] is a leading producer of high-quality [product] As you knowrecent technological advances have become increasingly affordable to the public. Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economyand their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers. We look forward to seeing you on [date] Just call our office at [phone number] and we will be glad to secure a place for you. Sincerely yours [name] [title]

英语作文邀请函 篇三 邀请函格式

邀请函是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的请约性书信。它是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种。 邀请函的格式主要有四个部分,分别是标题、称谓、正文、落款。 一、标题



邀请函的称谓使用“统称”,并在统称前加敬语。如 ,“尊敬的某 先生/女士”或“尊敬的某 某总经理(局长)”。 三、正文


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