Class 6 Zhang Yun hong “砳砳”读音:(lè lè),第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会吉祥物。“砳砳”以雨花石为创意NanJing No.13 Middle School Hongshan 源泉,用动感、现代的方式对雨花石的自然形态进行了艺术抽象处理,使其符合青少年的审美趣味,色彩上呼应了南京青奥会会徽。此吉祥物方案的核心立意在于向全世界青少年提倡自然、运动、健康、快乐的生活方式。砳:指敲击石头发出的声音,谐音“乐”,网络语言中可用其代替快乐的“乐”。人类在采石、筑路的劳动中经常敲击石头发出声音以为娱乐,所以“砳”字又象征劈山开路。 When the YOG is coming,what should we do? Now we are only a middle school student,we only know a few English words.We can be a volunteer.When the Foreigners coming.We can take them to the confucius temple、xuanwu lake ......The places are good to visit.They are beautiful! Nanjing has famous history.If the foreigners want to know it.We can take them to the Nanjing museum. Xinjiekou is the centre of Nanjing.We can take the women to there and shopping! Nanjing is a good place to have YOG.I’think the foreigners will like this city! It’s my pleasure to introduce the city of Nanjing to you!Nanjing is a famous historical city in China .Nanjing has lots of beautiful spots in the downtown or rual of the city such as confucius temple xuanwu lake and olympic sports centre.The most beatiful is actually ming great wall locate in the fringe of the city.Nanjing is not the acient city in China butaslo has repuation for its international lifestyle.It lets fell both ancient and modern life! I hope you will like this city! Welcome to Nanjing! 英文名称青少年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青少年奥运会、青年奥运会、青奥会。 青少年奥运会是一项专为年轻人设立的体育赛事,柔和了体育、教育和文化等领域的内容,并将为推进这些领域与奥运会的共同发展而扮演着一个催化剂的作用。参赛选手的年龄应在14岁到18岁之间 青奥会与奥运会一样,每四年一届。夏季青奥会最长12天,将于仲夏举办。 首届青年夏奥会定于2010年8月14日-26日在新加坡举行,届时将有约3200名运动员、900名裁判员及教练员参加此次盛会。比赛为期12天,比赛项目已经原则上确定为26个大项。 国际奥委会第122届全会2010年2月11日在温哥华决定,将2014年第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会的承办权授予中国的南京市。 本文来源: