博饼游戏规则 每桌设: “状元”1个,“对堂”2个,“三红”4个,“四进”8个,“二举”16个,“一秀”32个。 具体玩法: 每个人每次要把6个骰子一起投进大碗里,众人依次投骰子,看骰子的点数得饼。如果骰子掉出大碗,本轮就作废。 一秀:有1个“四点”的得一秀(秀才).拿完为止. 共32个。 二举:有2个“四点”的得二举(举人).拿完为止.共16个。 四进:有4个相同点数的(红四除外的都可以)得四进饼(进士),拿完为止.共8个。 三红:有3个“四点”的得三红饼,拿完为止.共4个。 对堂:若骰子点数分别为1至6顺序排列着的得对堂饼(榜眼,探花),共2个。 状元有很多等级,以下状元等级是从小到大排列,具体为: 四点红:博出结果有4个“红四点”的俗称“四点红”;所带2个骰子相加点数为12最大,为3最小。 五子登科:博出的结果中有五个骰子点数相同者,次于“五红”。大小排序为:XXXXX+Y(其中Y:6>5>4>3>2>1,且X不等于Y)。 五红:博出5个“红四点”的,俗称“五红”;大小排序为:44444+Y(其中Y:6>5>3>2>1) 遍地锦:博出结果为六个“红一点”,次于“六杯红”。 六杯红:博出结果为六个“红四点”,为次大。 状元插金花:博出结果为四个“红四点”+两个“红一点”,为最大。 the rule of gambling game People take it in turns to roll 6 dice in a bowl. See the rules below: If any dice falls out, the player is out of this cycle. Whoever gets one 4 will be xiucai (level 1). Maximum number of xiucai is 32 people. Whoever gets two 4’s will be juren (level 2) Maximum number is 16. Whoever gets 4 of a kind (except four 4’s) will be jingshi. Maximum is 8. Whoever gets three 4’s will be tanhua, maximum is 4 people. Whoever gets a straight (row of dice between 1-6) will be banyan. Max 2. Next levels are categorized as zhuanyuan, ranked from low to high. Whoever gets four 4’s will be sihong zhuangyuan. If two people get this, the winner is the person with greater total. Next is 5 of a kind, called wuzidengke, higher than sihong. Out of this five dice, 4 is the largest, then 6 then 5 etc. Player with largest total wins. Whoever gets four 4’s and two 1’s is zhuanyuan chajinhua! The winner! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4aa08f4242323968011ca300a6c30c225901f098.html