酒店常用英语 :保留房间

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酒店常用英语 :保留房间

Reserving A Room 保留房间

-I'm going to visit the South.I'll be back in half a month.Can this room be reserved for me?

-我要去南方访问,半个月之后才能回来,房间可以保留吗? -Certainly.But you have to pay the rent as usual. -当然可以,不过你得照常付房租。

-Have you any luggage room?-有行李间没有? -Sorry,we haven't.-对不起,没有。

-Well,I have to keep the room then.I have quite a few pieces of luggage.


-When are you leaving?By plane or by train?-你什么时候动身?乘飞机还是乘火车。

-Early tomorrow morning.By plane.-明天一早,乘飞机。

-Thank you for your help during my stay here.-我在这里期间多承你们帮助,非常感谢。

-Don't mention it.When shall I call you?-那没什么。我明天几点叫你? -Not later than 5 o'clock.I'll leave here at half past five.By the way,what is the weather like in the South now?



-I think you'll like it.-我想你会喜欢的。

-I hope so.Goobdye.(Knocking at the door.)-但愿如此,再见!(敲门) -Get up,please.It's time.-请起床,到时间了。 -What time is it?-几点了? -It's five o'clock.-五点。 -OK.Thank you.-好,谢谢。

-Goodbye and bon voyage.-再见,祝你一路平安

