常用英语怎么说 常用指经常使用;日常应用。那么你知道常用用英语怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来常用的英语说法,欢迎各位同学们学习! 常用的英语说法1: General 常用的英语说法2: in common use 常用相关英语表达: 常用机构 conventional mechanism 常用短语 Useful Expressions 常用链接 Useful Links 常用的英语例句: 1. If you don't keep your brain working you go gaga. 要是不常用脑子,你就会变得糊涂起来。 2. "Silly little boy" was his favourite expression of rebuke to his pupils. “愚蠢的小家伙”是他最常用的斥责其学生的言辞。 3. Carbolic acid is usually used for cleaning. 石炭酸常用于清洁。 4. The most frequently used method is radiocarbon dating. 最常用的方法是放射性碳定年法。 5. It's not a word in common usage . 这不是一个常用词。 6. I used to snare small birds such as sparrows. 我曾常用罗网捕捉麻雀等小鸟. 7. We often learn foreign language through questions and answers. 我们常用问答的方式学外语. 8. In algebra, the sign X usually denotes an unknown quantity. 在代数里, 符号X常用来表示未知数. 9. The Indians used to streak their faces with paint. 印第安人过去常用颜料在脸上涂条纹. 10. English schoolmasters used to cane the boys as a punishment. 英国小学老师过去常用教鞭打男学生作为惩罚. 11. This doctor often uses herbal remedies. 这个医生常用草药治病. 12. Farmers often enclose their land with hedges. 农夫们常用树篱将他们的地围起来. 13. Limestone is often used in building construction. 石灰岩常用于建筑. 14. Games are usually used to beguile small children. 游戏常用来哄小孩. 15. People used to pay in gold. 以前人们常用金币交易. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4b5e54e9fa0f76c66137ee06eff9aef8941e48f7.html