小学英语作文一张旧照片 从我诞生起,爸爸妈妈就用照片记录着我的成长。 Since I was born, my parents have recorded my growth with photos. 一张照片一个故事。因此我喜爱常常翻阅旧照片。我印象最深的是一张我和爸爸的照片。照片上的爸爸汗流浃背,而胖乎乎的我却悠闲得意地骑在爸爸脖子上。 A picture a story. So I like to look through old photos often. What impresses me most is a picture of my father and me. The father in the picture is sweaty, while the chubby I ride on his neck leisurely. 那是我四岁的时候,爸爸妈妈带我去浙江横店旅游,烈日当空,我们走了许多景点,都累得筋疲力尽了,妈妈说:“早点回去吧!”爸爸却说:“孩子难得出来一趟,让他多见识一下外面的世界吧!”爸爸于是把我骑在他脖子巡游了整整一个下午。 When I was four years old, my parents took me to travel in Hengdian, Zhejiang Province. In the hot sun, we went to many scenic spots and were exhausted. My mother said, "go back earlier!" Dad said, "it's rare for a child to come out. Let him see more about the outside world." So Dad rode me around his neck 1 / 2 all afternoon. 妈妈抓紧用相机记录下了这个宝贵的镜头。 现在每当我看到这张照片,我总感觉有点惭愧,也更懂得了爸爸对我的爱,我理解了虽然爸爸不爱言语,但他的爱在行动中。 每次从周末回来,爸爸总会抽空陪我打球,或给我带我喜爱的最需要的东西,给我一份份惊喜。 2 / 2 我爱我的爸爸! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4c75cac9b24e852458fb770bf78a6529647d3594.html