我喜欢上英语课英文怎么写作文 My favorite subject "Every man has his hobbyhorse."So,my classmates all have their own favorite subject.My favorite subject is English. Now,let me tell you my reason. I like my English teacher.Even though she is very strict,she is also very kind.I like listening to her.Her English classes are reallly intresting.when I first contacted with English , I found learning English is so difficult.And I thought,I couldn't learn English well.But my English teacher said that English was such a beautiful language,and I could learn it well.After that,I didn't give up.So far,I love English.And my English is very well! I really like English.And I think that learning English is a funny thing! 我最喜爱的科目 “萝卜青菜,各有所爱。” 因此,我的同学都有各自喜欢的科目。我最喜欢的科目是英语。 现在,让我来告诉你原因吧。 我喜欢我的英语老师。 尽管她非常严格,她也非常慷慨。我喜欢上她的课。 她的英语课非常有趣。当我第一次接触英语的时候,我觉得学习英语是一件很困难的事。 而且我认为,我不能学好英语。但是我的英语老师告诉我说,英语是一种美丽的语言,而且我能够学好的。 在那 之后,我没有放弃学习英语。现在,我很喜欢英语,而且,我的英语很棒! 我真的很喜欢英语。 而且我认为学习英语是一件很有趣的事情。 推荐两篇,根据自己的实际情况再补充点吧,有不会表达的可以问我,嘿嘿。 The fisrt: My favorite class at school is PE class.We have it twice a week in the afernoons.I really look forward to it,because after several hours of studying hard,I need a break from the books.Therefore,I can't wait to get out the classroom and head for the gym. We always start off with stretching because it's important to warm up.Then we do some jumping jacks and other exercises before jogging around the track.After that the real fun begins.We divide up into teams and compete at different sports.Basketball and dodge ball are my favorite games.There's no pressure to win.We just have fun while strengthening our bodies.That's why I like PE class so much. The second: My favorite class is gym. I can't wait for PE. It's really fun,fun,fun. I love to get out of class. I need a break from books. It fells great to move around. We all look forward to it. It's a chance to unwind. It's like an escape to freedom. We have gym twice a week. We wear T-shirts and shorts. We play both inside and out. PE starts off with exercise. We stretch,bend and twist. It's always important to warm up. We do jumping jacks. We do push-ups and sit-ups. then we jog around the track. Finally,the real fun begins. We divide into teams. We play sports and compete. I like basketball and dodge ball. I enjoy badminton and ping-pong,too. Soccer is the most exciting to me. Win or lose,it's OK. There's no pressure at all. That's why I love gym class so much. 在我们欢乐的校园里,每天都要上好几门课,有些课随着时光的流逝,慢慢地淡忘了,但这一堂英语课让我十分喜欢,记忆颇深。 有一次,英语老师一走进我们的课堂,就微笑着向我们宣布:“这堂课我们学习《狐狸和葡萄》这篇课文,在朗读、背诵、画图片和动作表演中让大家进行比赛。”老师话音刚落,同学们就兴奋起来,一副跃跃欲试的样子。 老师把我们分成四个人一组,看哪一组背诵熟练、材料丰富、表演生动,就能取得冠军。同学们立刻分工合作,有的赶紧背作品,有的连忙画材料,有的在手舞足蹈地试演角色…… 我们这组也不甘示弱:我来扮小鸟,杨栎宁演狐狸,杨芷馨做旁白,刘宗睿当太阳,大家齐心协力,斗志昂扬。当第一组表演完毕后,我们立刻登场。由于我们准备充分,一下子就博得了同学们热烈的掌声。杨栎宁把狡猾的狐狸演得惟妙惟肖,我把美丽的小鸟演得伶俐可爱,同学们都向我们投来了赞赏的目光,刘宗睿独特的大嗓门,更是引得大家哈哈大笑……最后,我们小组虽然只得了第二名,但是我们都认为自己是最棒的。 这堂课让每个同学八仙过海,各显神通;这堂课让每个同学在欢声笑语中度过;这堂课让每个同学久久难忘…… 自己改改 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4c971062d6d8d15abe23482fb4daa58da1111c29.html