
时间:2023-03-21 21:05:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

last summer i went to paris with my parent is was very excited and happy.

since we don"t speak french we joined a tour to paris it last a week.

we visited the eiffe l tower not re dame palace louvre and palace versaillesi like palace louvre most because i saw da vinci"s the last supper therei also liked the eiffe l tower because we could see most part of paris at the top.

we also sight see many churches honest l yseeing church after church bored me to no end.

the trip was mostly enjoy a blei promise myself to go back to paris a gain next timei am going to stay longer and will not join a tour.paris is such a big city that i want to take a close rlook.

that trip was a memorable one!
